

"Good habits happen when planned; bad habits on their own." Today's episode is about CONTROL and understanding four core aspects of control relative to our behaviors. The first component of control is our THINKING. Do you think you have the ability to control what you think, most of the time? With practice, you can absolutely control and direct your thinking most of the time. That doesn't mean controlling your thinking is easy, but it is possible. In fact, it could be argued that controlling your thinking is the first skill required to guide your life with intention and purpose toward your goals and ideals. The second aspect of control is relative to your feelings and emotions. The fact is, control over our feelings and emotions comes with maturity and practice – after all, that is emotional maturity. We know that a 1-year-old has zero control over their feelings and emotions and that an eight-year-old will have far more control over their feelings and emotions. While control over your feelings and emotions m