

"The speed of concentration is slow and/or stopped!" A perfectly timed New Year's episode. What do you think you are – in essence? A soul? The chemicals that make up your composition? What is it that comprises your "WHO?" It turns out, WHO we are is WHAT we do consistently. We're really just a compilation of our thought and behavior habits. Your habitual actions, behaviors, and decisions forge your CHARACTER. Thus, in order for anyone to change their RESULTS, the first thing they must do is alter their patterns of thought and behavior—their habits. The very best way to do that is to STOP! STOP for a moment. STOP moving. STOP thinking. STOP acting out of habit. Just press pause and STOP! Anytime you don't like the results you are getting, it's time to STOP! In the computing world, A STOP code, is a way to identify a "BUG" in the program. If a computer encounters a problem, it STOPS! Our results are the product of our INPUT. Our input is our thought and behavior HABITS. How are you going to identify the new i