Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide

LATE NIGHT WITH JERRY ROYCE LIVE & Kimmie Kim - EP 795 Pastor Jr. Trent (Change of Heart Outreach Ministries)



Alittle about our Pastor :Pastor Jr. Trent is a true Man of God who didn’t come into the ministry willingly. In fact he ran for almost 27 years until one particular night he fell to his knees and asked God to come into his life. And on that night Pastor Trent said something changed immediately! Couldn’t explain it but God entered into me and change me forever. Since that day God begin to orchestrate his life the way he saw fit. Pastor Trent asked God to give him a Wife and God gave him her name- (Michelle) Who has been a spark to this ministry. He begin his journey in August of 2009. Got Married in 2010. Became a minister in 2010 at Unity Fellowship Baptist Church. For 3 1/2 years he learned some great things from ( Pastor Howard Graves) He is also begin doing Prison Ministry for our community and still is very active today doing the will of the Lord.And his journey took him further as he traveled with Good friend/brother Pastor Kevin Kernodle to a church on a mountain called Rising Sun Missionary Baptist Chu