Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide

LATE NIGHT WITH JERRY ROYCE LIVE & Kelly Holland - EP 798 Marvin Dexter Moore (Recording Artist + Songwriter)



WHO IS MARVIN DEXTER MOORE?I am a man who has adopted, and who lives by three core values: to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope.Being raised in the church, I have used my musical talents to share a Gospel of Love from the earliest age - love for God and for Others. From the church choir in my teens, and playing in various bands throughout my 20s.By the early 1980’s, I had officially embarked upon my ultimately fulfilling career in the music industry, fiercely protecting the rights of songwriters, music publishers, and recording artists. After weathering more than 3 decades of Ups and Downs, I was finally able to free myself from all the entanglements of my beloved music industry by becoming an entrepreneur, and launching Give Me Moore Entertainment.Today, I am in a place to pursue my true passion without constraint: writing, producing and performing original music which gives hope, inspiration, and encouragement. My latest single ‘Take ‘Em All Away’ featuring the vocals of Leon McC