Magic Of The Spheres Podcast

Encounters of Destabilization and of New Worlds with Grace Webb



On episode 222, a conversation I had a few weeks back with Grace Webb inspired by their literary thesis about worldmaking and encounter that involves the archetype of a destabilizing figure. This is a person who lives inside of a different reality than the mainstream or consensus reality around them, and simply by existing and others encountering them, others are changed, destabilized.After hearing about their literary thesis around this archetype it pinged some of the things I’d been reflecting on with the upcoming wave of Pluto in Aquarius. Within some of the teachings around Aquarius & its modern ruler Uranus, we also encounter unconventional or iconoclast figures & the various psychology and nuance of that figure & their social impact. On Magic of the Spheres, we have been having some conversations and solo episodes lately about the upcoming 20 year transit of Pluto in Aquarius, and I consider this conversation a continuation of that. We actually spend less time on astrology and more on the ex