Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

EP 7:05 Trial Closes, Closes, & Advanced Sales Strategies with a 40+ Car Salesman



This week on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley and LA Williams, break down how top salesmen optimize their sales strategies. How to maximize social media, how to talk to people, and manage expectations. What are the things that separate basic automotive sales associates from top-performing associates? Joining Sean V. Bradley and LA Williams is Stephen Fucile, the host of The Steve Fucile Show. Stephen has sold 44 units in a single month. Stephen puts emphasis on the personal connection with the clients on a personal level and being flexible when your client is landed on the wrong car, and knowing how to shift the client's expectations. Listen in to learn some tips and tricks to up your game so you, can join the Millionaire Car Salesman status.   About Stephen Fucile Stephen got this start in the Car business in 1994 in Austin, TX. He worked for several franchises and struggled for years as a young Salesman. Moving to Houston, TX, at 20 years old, turned everything around. He quickly caught