The One Thing

10. [CASE STUDY] How Peggy Delano turned her health around and EXPLODED her business



Can you imagine waking up and realizing that, for decades, you were developing catastrophically unhealthy habits? Unfortunately, this was a reality for a listener of this podcast. Peggy Delano has been a fan of The ONE Thing for years. Recently though, she knew she needed to make a change – but wasn’t sure how to. This episode is a case study of what can happen when you decide to… Make a change Surround yourself with the right group of people Execute simple daily actions that contribute to a greater goal. It’s never too late to make a positive change. In this episode you will learn... [4:00] The most important thing to focus on when you are making a change. [6:50] Why your lead domino might have nothing to do with your business. [9:09] AH-HA Moment: It’s okay to struggle with time blocking. It’s okay to struggle with what your ONE thing is. [11:05] Why enlisting support is critical to making a big change in your life. [12:10] Why the fear of failing to change comes from a lack of true commitment. [13:10] The