The One Thing

12. The 6 LIES Crushing Your Productivity



Do you ever feel like you’re doing a lot of work without getting anything done? We live in a culture obsessed with productivity… but we struggle to control our own time because we’ve been lied to about productivity for our whole lives. Laura Hanly and Garrett Linderman, two valuable members of The ONE Thing team, will help you gain control over your time by revealing the 6 lies that are crushing your productivity.  In this episode you will learn... [1:40] Lie #1: Everything matters equally. [3:05] How to define the things that truly matter. [5:10] Lie #2: Multitasking. [7:45] Five steps to get super focused and control your environment. [8:50] How to eliminate multitasking. [9:53] Lie #3: A disciplined life. [10:06] How to leverage your limited discipline and create a powerful habit. [11:27] Lie #4: Willpower is always on will call. [12:09] The difference between willpower and discipline. [13:10] Why you should save your most important work for the morning. [15:16] Lie #5: A balanced life. [16:24] Why we