The One Thing

15. Tiny Tweaks That Give You BIG Boosts



Where there’s a will, there’s a way. True or false? FALSE! Willpower (like gas in a tank) is a finite resource. You can do powerful things with willpower, but sometimes willpower fails or you simply run out of it. Jay Papasan, co-author of The ONE Thing, is back to share what our team discovered about the willpower myth so that you can be more productive.   In this episode you will learn... [1:00] What willpower is… and what it isn’t. [2:10] Why your willpower is never unlimited. [3:30] How to refuel your cognitive stamina. [4:38] ONE little trick to keep you focused (without a coffee break). [5:33] AH-HA Moment: When you should focus on your most important work. [7:26] Why you should make important decisions when you have more willpower. [8:21] Why being extraordinary is a cumulative process.[11:45] How you can create a positive halo effect in your life by doing this for just 15 minutes a day. [14:20] How this big misconception about The ONE Thing holds you back. [14:42] The ONE thing to implement from