The One Thing

30. The Leadership Gap | What Gets Between You and Your Greatness



Why do we all get stuck at some point in our lives?   If you are listening to this podcast, it's because you want MORE out of life. You want to achieve greatness... but, too often, we get stuck along the way. Lolly Daskal, the author of The Leadership Gap, believes we get trapped in the gap when we ask the wrong questions. Before you consider how to achieve your goals, or why you have those goals, ask yourself a different question: Who am I?   The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: Before you understand what to do or why you're doing it, at any given moment, you need to know who you are being. To do that, you need to look inward. Who are you being while you are living and leading? Are you proud of who you are? Are these the things you want to do? Check your gut. If you're not happy with what you feel, you can make a choice: keep doing the things that brought you into the gap or do something different.   In this episode you will learn... [10:20] How you can leverage gaps to achieve greatn