The One Thing

46. Time Management | How to Get More Time in Your Day (Matt Johnson)



Many of you have read The ONE Thing... but have you ever given yourself permission to take a step back and consider what it means to live the book?  Today's guest, Matt Johnson, understands the power of taking action after reading The ONE Thing. He picked up a copy of the book in an airport and, ultimately, used it to bring more purpose, priority, and time into his business.  We originally recorded this conversation for Matt's LIFE On Target podcast. It was so valuable that we needed to share it with you, too.     The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: In this episode, we talked a lot about multitasking, focus, priority, and other essential elements of The ONE Thing. Now we want to know what most resonated with you. Step 1: Write down the answer to this question: What is the ONE thing from this episode that will allow you to live the book with more intention and get more time in your day?  Step 2: Tell us what you are going to do. Go to, click the "