The One Thing

53. Identifying Your Priorities & Your Values in Business | BiggerPockets Founder Joshua Dorkin



If you aren't building a database - if you aren't building a community to engage with your customers - your business is vulnerable. Our guest, Josh Dorkin, is Founder and CEO of BiggerPockets, the leading real estate investing community and media company. They help more than 750,000 members focus on networking, dealmaking, and education by fostering an active community, publishing books, and recording a weekly podcast. In this conversation, you will discover how Josh used principles from The ONE Thing to cast a big vision, think strategically, and build a business that offers long-term value.   The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: Block out one hour every day for strategic thinking - what are the things you absolutely must do to accomplish everything else? If you take the time to pause and then focus on your priorities, it will help your business more than completing every small task on your to-do list.   In this episode you will learn... [7:45] What it means to identify your core values an