The One Thing

70. Implementing The ONE Thing in Your Company with Raman Sehgal



Many successful business owners are trying to live The ONE Thing in their lives... but how can you bring those lessons into your business? Raman Sehgal, Founder of ramarketing, has experienced transformational success because he successfully implemented The ONE Thing into the culture of his business. He shares what he and his team have done, and how you can bring these lessons into your professional life as well.   The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: Raman didn't try to do it all – he started by implementing ONE thing, which led to the next thing and then the next thing. When you do one thing, the right thing, it will topple over many things. How can you get started today?   In this episode you will learn... [3:15] What it looks like when you start living The ONE Thing. [5:15] Why having a single focus in your business is a huge advantage. [10:30] How you can leverage time blocking in your business. [17:45] Why you have to start implementing The ONE Thing, slowly, over time. [22:50] ONE si