The One Thing

72. Building a Sustainable Company That Scales | Babak Azad



A business isn't just something that makes money, helps customers, or delivers value – it's a vehicle for you to live a BIG life and finance your life's purpose. However, if you want to build that vehicle, you need to start by building a sustainable company. Babak Azad is the former Senior Vice President of Media and Acquisition at Beach Body, creators of P90X, Insanity, and Shakeology. He led the team that grew the company from $100M to $1B in revenue, and he did it while building trust with their customers. He shares how you can develop a mindset that will help you strike a balance between delivering short-term revenue and building a brand that people trust.   The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: If you want to build a sustainable business, you need to make the word brand part of your daily lexicon and treat your customers the way they want to be treated. You can start by considering the following questions: What is the experience your customers want and prefer? How can you create a great expe