The One Thing

77. Using Leverage to Get More Balance in Your Life | Cameron Herold



Have you ever looked up at the end of a workday knowing that there's still a lot that needs to get done? As a result, we can end up sacrificing what it means to live a full life because we aren't present with our family, investing time in other relationships, or even investing time in ourselves. So how do we get it all done? Cameron Herold has grown three multi-million dollar businesses, written several books (including Double Double, Meetings Suck, and co-authoring The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs), and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to leveraging things out in your world. He shares, from his own experience, what it looks like when you strike a good work-life counterbalance... and when you don't. The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: What's the ONE thing from this episode that you can do to free up some more of your time so that you can strike a better work-life counterbalance? Give yourself permission to close your eyes for 15 seconds, get clear about what that ONE thing is, and set th