Mantra, Kirtan And Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Sachara Chara chanted with Atman Shanti



Atman Shanti chants the Mantra Sachara Chara, a Vedanta Kirtan, during a Saturday evening satsang at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany, which expresses the unity of the individual soul with the Cosmic Soul: Shivoham, I am Shiva, that is the refrain. You will find the complete text in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook under the number 400: Sakarachara Paripurna Shivoham Nityananda Svarupa Shivoham // 1 // Anandoham Anandoham Anandam Brahmanandam // 2 // Sakshi-chaitanya-kuta-sthoham Nityanitya-svarupa Shivoham // 3 // A possible translation of this Kirtan is: \"I am the supreme consciousness, great abundance, beyond all movables and immobility, I am Shiva, pure consciousness, my nature is eternal joy, I am bliss, cosmic bliss, am observer behind everything, pure consciousness , The highest reality, I am Shiva, whose nature is the eternal and the never-ending.\" Further information about the Sachara Chara Mantra can be found in the Yoga Wiki at At Yoga Vidya there are numer