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Spain's Forgotten Reformation



A lecture with Q&A by Dr. Andrew Messmer entitled "Spain's Forgotten Reformation." The Spanish Reformation has been almost completely forgotten, including by many 16th century specialists. Yet its roots preceded Luther, and it secretly attracted scores of top-level Spanish clergymen and academics across the country. It was insistent on equally stressing orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Had the Spanish Inquisition not snuffed it out, it may have been the most promising Reformation of all. In this lecture, Dr. Andrew Messmer introduces the major figures and questions of the Spanish Reformation’s first 100 years. What did the Spanish Reformers believe? Why was the Spanish Reformation unsuccessful? What would a Spanish Church look like today? These questions will be examined, along with key Reformers such as Juan de Valdés, Constantino de la Fuente, Casiodoro de Reina, and others. Andrew Messmer (Ph.D., Evangelische Theologische Faculteit) is Academic Dean of Seville Theological Seminary (Spain); Associated Professo