Limelight Highlight

Limelight Highlight Surprise Guest -"Arlene Sanchez" *15*



This week we had Arlene Sanchez on the podcast to discuss what we think Women's History Month means to us. As well as a little debate on equality and what we think it means across the board. Hope you enjoy!If you would like to join the conversation feel free to contact me and share your ideas on what we discussed and what it means to you, weather you agree or disagree we would love to hear and share your opinion with our listeners.For more questions on the podcast, how you can contribute, or how to reach me you can follow and contact me via:Email: LimelightHighlight@gmail.comInstagram: LimelighthighlightFacebook: if there is anyone you'd like to see featured on the podcast or you have any inputs on what should be on the show feel free to contact me via the links above. If you or anyone you know has done something positive be sure to write in for a shoutout and help positivity spread throughout the world. Until next time, "Be humble, be helpful, pay it forward an