Change Your Mindset

S5E49: Unscripted Give and Take_ Using Business Improv to Resolve Disputes and Negotiate Deals (part 2)



“Negotiation is not a fight but a collaboration. Prepare more than memorize.” Peter Margaritis In today’s episode, Peter Margaritis continues his on Unscripted Give-and-Take and how to use Business Improv to resolve disputes and negotiate deals. Going for an all-in approach is not an excellent way to begin a business with someone you are trying to build a relationship with. You have the tools you need to have a win-win outcome in a negotiation. The beginning of every conversation is a smile that disarms the other party. Your smile needs to be genuine. You may not get everything you need, but you will get the chance for future business opportunities. Humanizing the conversation during negotiation creates an atmosphere of calm and respect so that both parties can feel comfortable no matter the outcome. Do not manipulate the other party to get them to make your point. You can show them the benefits of what you are telling them to their goals and agenda, which makes the relationship last longer. Preparedness duri