Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Operationalizing Compliance: Part 4-Effectiveness, Redux with Alex Klingelberger



Welcome to a special five-part podcast series on Operationalizing Your Compliance Program, sponsored by Broadcat LLC. Over this series, we consider a variety of ways to more fully operationalize your compliance regime, including the design and effectiveness of your communications, why the operationalization of compliance is a team sport, why simply data is not the answer and how to avoid being overwhelmed. In Part 4, I am joined by Alex Klingelberger, CEO at Broadcat where we take a deep dive into effectiveness. Highlights from this episode include: ·      Compliance training must stay away from patronizing training material.  ·      The DOJ pronouncements on clawbacks puts the pressure on senior management.  ·      Bilateral communications is a critical component of a best practices compliance program.  ·      Compliance engagement is more than between your compliance function and employees. It is when employees engage each other about compliance topics as well.  For more information go to