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EPHESIANS - pt3 - Saved By Grace, Seated With Christ



In "Saved By Grace, Seated With Christ", Rodney shares that the same Spirit that was working on and through Jesus Christ now makes us alive "in Christ". Without Jesus Christ we are spiritually dead and lost. That means we are utterly lifeless, powerless, helpless, and unable to change our condition or any other circumstances or environment. Living the Christian life is impossible without living "in Christ". Living as a Christian, without Jesus only leads to frustration. Just because you don't feel like you did anything wrong, intended to sin, or know you sinned doesn't mean you haven't sinned. All of us have sinned. But GOD! In Christ, God loved us, gave us, raised us, and has seated us with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. "God saved you by his grace when we believed... It a free gift from God." So, we have been created anew "in Christ." We are SAVED by GRACE and SEATED with CHRIST.