Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

506 | What Is Setting Someone's Reality?



You’ve probably heard us talk about making others successful. It’s one of our core pursuits here. In fact, we just did a whole show on this a few weeks back, episode no. 504.Well, there’s a flip side to all of that: it’s when we throw obstacles in another person’s way. The sad thing is that most of us have probably done this at some point in our lives, and we’ve likely had it done to us as well. It sucks and it’s becoming more common all the time!Setting someone’s reality is a divisive way to trip others up and make them stumble.Another hot topic nowadays is gaslighting. That’s manipulating someone in order to make them question their own perspective or reality. And that’s really close to setting someone’s reality.Folks typically do stuff like this in times of conflict with others, or when feeling out of control.On the show today, how to keep your reality from being set by others, and maybe even more importantly, how to make sure you’re not doing the same thing to other people!Grace and peace, Chris