Ally Loprete

The Spirit of Business and Parenting



It's spirituality that drives our visions and decisions. I was raised to be keep my mind open to all possibilities. It has served me well on most accounts, but there were times when I needed more. I needed to have...FAITH. Without faith, what else is there? Whether you believe in a higher power or not, you have a spirit within you that drives your ambitions, your visions for success, the way that you raise your children to have morals and values and the way that you respond to life's adversity. We love, we hate, we laugh, we cry, we fight with our best friends and our spouses, we make up, we yell at our kids and then hug them a little too tight (ouch, mom!), we make ourselves over, reinvent and rebrand. We are progress. We question everything we do, even when we are most firm in our convictions. We pray even when we don't fully believe. We hang in there even when we most feel like throwing in the towel. We mourn losses and celebrate victories. We are the human spirit. We make the world go around