Ally Loprete

Business Mentorship for Parentprenuers



A BUSINESS MENTOR THAT FITS... YOU Whether you are just starting out or looking to grow your business to the next level, having a business mentor is a terrific way to benefit from the perspective of someone who knows how to get ahead. As someone with more experience in entrepreneurship, a seasoned business pro can advise you on how to hone your abilities as well as navigate new challenges. A mentor can provide pointers on business strategy, bolster your networking efforts, or act as confidantes when your work-life balance gets out of whack. Personally I have a whole treasure chest filled with business support that adequately feeds me when I am stuck. If you were to take a look inside my bag of tricks you'd see the following: Two business mentors, a three person business mastermind, several business coaches, some go-to books and refresher videos, and a whole lot of supportive colleagues. Each of these resources provide me with compatible solutions. So ...what's the difference between a MENTOR and a COACH?