Ally Loprete

Always 2 Steps Ahead



You've gotten a lot of advice on how to balance it all... ... and if you've been a parent for more than a few years, you could probably write your own book about how to juggle family, career, marital relationships and personal fulfillment. Blah - blah - blah. Is there room for improvement? The most valuable advice that I have received was to always stay 2 steps ahead of everyone and everything. Quite frankly, that seemed like the most impossible task when I was a newbie mommy, but that one little recommendation has saved me more times in the last 9 years than I can count. First time falls are USEFUL. Instead of asking, "What did I do to attract this problem?" perhaps a more appropriate question is "What solution am I attracting?" Challenges give you the upper hand in learning how to balance and problem solve better THE NEXT TIME. Let that fly in the ointment be your friend and guide. Every experience is an opportunity for professional and personal growth. You can play small and avoid mess, but GOING THROU