Ally Loprete

The Show Must Go On



Life is UNSCRIPTED... ...and often, so is live theatre. This week, just after a successful opening of Jesus Christ Superstar,the cast was informed of an unexpected circumstance that would result in a complete overhaul of our already fully rehearsed stage production. Suddenly our sold out performances were postponed and we were back in rehearsals unfuuing the snafu. I was reminded this week that not only is live theatre unpredictable, it’s a metaphor for...well, EVERYTHING. Theatre, like life is UNPREDICTABLE. (Perhaps that is why immensely dramatic people tend to gravitate to the stage!) In all my years on the stage, I can't recall a single stage production that didn't bring about a sticky situation. No matter the predicament, I have never encountered a challenge big enough to cancel the entire run of a show. Somehow, the show always finds a way to live. Art Imitating Life Imitating Art The parallels of theatre absolutely resemble our lives as parents and entrepreneurs. Theatre... like both parenting and