Rain Delay Theater

#186 - 2023 Cubs Convention Recap



Here it is, the super-sized recap of the 2023 Cubs Convention! The day starts off with Jack getting super lost and Jeremy jumping right into autograph hunting. The guys meet the polarizing and mostly skeezy Sweatpants Guy, end up in mystery lines and can't find out what they lead to, and Jack finally experiences the walking malapropism that is Cole Wright. Jeremy hunts autos outside in the cold while Jack retreats indoors. Jeremy runs into a long lost autograph opportunity from his past, Jon Lieber has a beer, Jack gets squeezed out of a Ray Burris autograph, and so much much more! Break it up into multiple sittings, but make sure to tune into all the highlights from Day 1 of the Cubs Convention as well as Jeremy's highlights from the rest of the weekend.