Dial F For Film Podcast

episode 0082 - bonus: ’riget (the kingdom)’ [1994] ep.1



Around the end of last year, Aaron and I began talking about doing an episode on Lars von Trier's "Riget" as the release of the third installment in that series, The Kingdom Exodus, was airing on Mubi. We had talked about doing this episode since 2021, which is when he lent me his DVD copy, as it was not available to stream anywhere at the time. I didn't even know what this was and while Aaron was going through the "1001" list for potential episodes that is when I found out about Riget (through his discovery of the film being on the list); and although the film version of Riget is in the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" we will be talking about the 4-part series, in 3 episodes. This is part 1. If you haven't seen the show, or it's been a minute, we suggest you hop on Mubi watch episode 1, and follow along. It's a great show that I knew nothing about and deeply enjoyed. There are plans to do bonus episodes for Riget II, The Kingdom Exodus, and the 4 hour film version of Riget throughout the earlier ha