My Seven Chakras

58: The Whole Detox program allows you to Cleanse, Nourish, Thrive and find Colorful Whole-self transformation with Dr. Deanna Minich



Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally-recognized lifestyle medicine expert, creative, visionary, and teacher, and author of five books. Her extensive background in nutrition, yoga, and personal growth led her to create a whole-self, colorful approach to health called Food & Spirit. She developed the Certified Food & Spirit Practitioner Program to provide health professionals with a practical way to apply the Food & Spirit framework with their patients and clients. She is author of Whole Detox, a book based on a whole-life, whole-systems, whole-foods approach to detoxification, as well as on her Detox Summit, the world’s largest online event with 30 leaders in the detox field. Learn more about Dr. Deanna Minich by visiting   Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES  Click here to leave us a rating & review on iTunes Follow us on social media:  | Facebook | Twitter | Join our Facebook TribeSupport this podcast at —