My Seven Chakras

Unlock Your Untapped Human Potential By Changing How You Breathe With Dan Brule



(Want to attend a FREE educational and fun online Breathwork festival? Check it out here)Guest bio: Dan Brulé is a modern-day teacher, healer, and world-renown pioneer in the Art and Science of Breathwork. He is one of the creators of Breath Therapy and he was among the original group of Internationally Certified Rebirthers. He is a master of Prana Yoga (the Hindu Science of Breath) and Chi Kung/Qigong (Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises), and he leads the worldwide Spiritual Breathing Movement. He coaches, trains, and certifies Professional Breathworkers, and since 1970, he has traveled to 67 countries and has trained more than 250,000 people to use their breath and breathing for personal growth, professional development, peak performance, self-healing and spiritual awakening.He has trained Olympic athletes, military special forces and elite martial artists. He coaches leading medical experts, psychotherapists, yoga teachers, fitness gurus, corporate executives, life coaches, and celebrities including Tony