My Seven Chakras

A Story About My Bathtub And How It Shaped My Outlook On Life



In this episode, I’m going tell us a story about an interesting thing that happened in my shower yesterday and key life lessons that are going to help you on your spiritual journey ahead (Especially this year). Here's last week's episode about the 4-step Self Care Protocol: mysevenchakras.comI sense that it is going to inspire you to make a change in your life..✅ Do you want to book a 1:1 Breathwork session with me? Just shoot me a quick email at ✅ Please hit the SUBSCRIBE button and leave us an iTunes rating and review! (I'll give you a shout out) ✅ Leave a personal voice message for me. Visit and click on the blue microphone icon!✅ Free 40-minute Breathwork training:✅ Recommended Breathwork Course:✅ Recommended Breathwork Instructor Program:✅ Join our Facebook Group to be notified about our upcoming Breathwork circles, visit✅ To claim your Free audiobook