The Wellpreneur Podcast

Cycles and Seasons in Life and Work {252}



What if we could accept that we didn't have to perform at peak everyday? What if we could align with the natural seasons and cycles in the world and our life, to make everything feel more easy and flowing? In this episode, we look at the natural cycles and seasons that affect our life and work. The seasons of the year, the wheel of the year, the moon cycle, menstrual cycle, and also life seasons and phases, such as maiden, mother, crone. Discover what seasons and cycles are in your life right now and what that might mean for you.What if there was a different way to live and work? Hard work, hustle, thinking and planning created a lot of success for you along the way - but now you’re feeling called for something more. A way to live and work that is nourishing, grounded, meaningful and in line with your deepest, truest self. This podcast explores nature-based personal growth for high-achieving women. Join author, entrepreneur and alchemist Amanda Cook as we explore topics like mindfulness, seasons and natur