Micah Mccurry Live

McCurry Family Update!



Transcript:Hello, friend. Welcome and thank you for listening to the Micah McCurry Podcast. Today, we will be talking about where this podcast is going, what my family and our ministry have been doing, and we will share just a few of God's blessings. Thank you so much for listening. Let me begin with my family. My wife and I are celebrating our ninth wedding anniversary as of June 1, 2022. I'm very thankful for my wife. And I should probably take the time soon to have her on this podcast. I don't know if she'll go for that idea or not. But I'll try to twist her arm into it. But I love the opportunity that we have to serve God together. I'm thankful for the children that God has brought to us. But of course, children grow and go on to their own families and lives. And so I'm glad that I get to spend the rest of my life and have begun with these first nine years with Rebecca Woodward McCurry; I'm thankful that she's become a part of my family, my brothers, and my mom and dad.