Happy Health Chat

Mini #11 - Do these 3 things to see results



This whole getting healthy and using food as medicine and this whole holistic approach can very easily become something that feels overwhelming. Like another thing to do on your to-do list and you can very easily feel like you don't have the head space. Where do you begin? Eat meat, don't eat meat, eat gluten, don't eat gluten, eat this, don't eat this. Everything is very contradictory. So, where do you even begin if you're already tired, struggling, in pain, bloated, fatigued, burned out, having awful hormones and period or awful menopause, whatever it is. So, let's cut some of the crap. This mini episode is about the three things that I would prioritize. If you do nothing else for your health in the next six months, if you do these things, you will feel better. I repeat, you will feel better. It might not mean everything in your life gets fixed overnight. Spoiler alerts… there's not really anything that does that. There is no magical one thing and every single health issue will go away. That's just not how