Affirmation Pod - Affirmation, Relaxation and Meditation for Transformation

16 Meditation – A Grounding Meditation



To get centered again... I am safe. I am in my body. I am completely in my body. I am not in the past. I am not caught up in the "what ifs." I am here in the now. I am aware of where I am right now physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know the clothes that I am wearing. I feel the sensations in my feet. I am aware of the room I'm in and my immediate surroundings. I take deep breaths, aware of my breath moving in and out. I take cleansing breaths, aware of the breath moving in and out of my body. I take grounding breaths, feeling the air come into my body and feeling tension release from my body. I feel grounded, I feel anchored, I feel rooted in my strength, my resilience and my resolve. All my focus is directed to this present moment. I behold what's here now. I channel all my thoughts, energy and emotion into now. My heart and mind flow with ease. Grounding Meditation by Josie The sister episode to this one is Episode 255 The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique Plus More   SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks