Affirmation Pod - Affirmation, Relaxation and Meditation for Transformation

22 Affirmations – I’ve Moved On



What a wonderful world... I've moved on. Some may not accept it or respect it but I'm not changing it. I've moved on. I'm doing things differently now. I live free and I live healthy. I've moved on. I'm making better choices and I'm connected to better people. I'm strong and at peace with the changes in my life. Sure, some days it’s harder to be strong, but I know in my heart there’s no going back. I don't owe explanations. My health and happiness are how I measure my life. Every day I am more removed from the chains that bound me. Every day I am thankful for my courage to face reality and make the changes I needed to. Every test proves my growth and maturity and how much I've moved on. The past sometimes comes knocking, but I don't have to answer. I wish them the best, but I'm not one of them. I’m creating something new here and it feels very good. I'm part of something way more fulfilling, rewarding and loving for me. I'm so grateful for what I have now and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Affirmations by