Elllo Podcast

Episode 25: Working in Bali



This week on elllo.org we hear from Dan, an Americna businessman working abroad, and he talks about why he likes to live in Bali and why it is a good place to set roots. The full episode online comes with a video, quiz, audio vocabulary and a speaking/listening challenge. You can get it here or at the link below: http://elllo.org/english/1301/T1323-Dan-SEA.htm Transcript of the Conversation   Todd: So now Dan you live in Bali, Indonesia, which is a very beautiful place and you do a lot of business in Southeast Asia. Why do you think Southeast Asia is a good place to do business? Dan: Well, one of the primary reasons is the lifestyle. If you are generating a reasonable income on western standards, you can—what we do is, you know, perform some global arbitrage. You can take that western level salary and move it to a developing area of the world like here in Southeast Asia, and your purchasing power is much greater. So if you’re selling products in a higher valued economy like Germany and you’re living in Vietna