Elllo Podcast

Episode 27: Best Teacher



This week on elllo.org, Abidemi and Jeremy talk about teachers that had a big impact on their lives. See the transcript below.  Remember that you can go to the website to see the video, learn now words, download the audio and take a quiz. Transcript of conversation: Jeremy: Abidemi, so looking back at your life as a student, can you tell me a little bit about your experience with the best teacher that you had, and maybe a little bit about your worst teacher? Abidemi: Sure. I think I’ve had many, many great teachers. I’ve been really blessed in that way. Thinking back now, I remember my teacher when I was in primary 6 in Nigeria, actually. His name was Mr. Oleaer. And this teacher was a math and science teacher. And I think the best thing about him was he really took a personal interest in all of us. We could tell that he really cared. Although, he was very much a teacher, he took that authority role but at the same time, he was like our friend. Like during the break time, we would approach him, we would talk