Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

The Gift | Part 3 | A King Like No Other | Chris Voigt



A King Like No Other The Gift December24, 2022 Have you ever met a royal? There is a tremendous fascination with the British royal family here in the United States. Millions of Americans willingly crawl out of bed at an ungodly hour, to watch a royal wedding or funeral. All of the pomp and pageantry is undeniably breathtaking... even when you’re just watching on TV. I can’t imagine what it must be like to experience it all in person. It’s not likely that I ever will, but just in case... there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First of all, stand when a royal enters the room. And stay standing until they sit down. Be sure to use the correct titles: Your Majesty for a king or queen; Your Highness for a prince or princess. The most important ‘rule’ is to never touch a monarch! A slight bow of the head for men, or a brief curtsy for women is appropriate, but don’t try to shake hands unless it's initiated by them. And never attempt to give a hug! It’s primarily a security thing, but they are royal, after al