

On today's show it's financial advisor, Sean Holly! Sean has been a personal financial advisor for more than eleven years.  He passionately believes that everyone deserves access to the advice and tools needed to plan for a secure future regardless of accumulated wealth or status.   They talk to Sean about his birthday [July 31], Massachusetts, his story, Lamar Odom, a heavy beginning, a move to San Francisco, college football players, podcasts, balancing making money and playing, Rooster Money, teaching kids, Poking the Gorilla, and living every day like it’s your free & meditation.  Before they talk to Sean, Mark and Rick discuss Tae Kwan Do and grabbing the lotus.  Thanks for listening!  STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Sean's webpage The Simply Human Kids page The Simply Human MOMS page The Simply Human YouTube channel The Simply Human Facebook page Subscribe to the Simply Human Podcast on iTunes Listen to the Podcast on Stitcher simplyhuman