Talkrx With Doctor Neha

How Healthy Boundaries Re-Engage People and Re-Humanize Us



Relationships are a beautiful part of work & life—but they can also be the source of tension, confusion, and pain. Dr. Rosie Ward guest-starred to share some wisdom on drawing healthy boundaries. Learning to show up authentically as our best selves includes a lot of things, as you’ll hear in this episode: Eliminating unhealthy relational patterns Learning how to say “no”  Establishing healthy behaviors (so that you can advocate for yourself) Considering your communication methods (i.e. when to call vs. when to text)  Upholding healthy boundaries  Passive aggressiveness, ineffective communication (a.k.a. misunderstandings), and a poor understanding of ourselves all get in the way of showing up at our best… especially in difficult relationships!  You are allowed to set boundaries that enable you to stand in your personal power.  You are allowed to set limits in your relationships.  You are allowed to present your best self.