Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The Other Object of Desire: The Self - Shunyamurti Q&A



Join us online for a 5-Day New Year Retreat Guided by Shunyamurti ~ Desire, Dharma, and Deliverance https://bit.ly/3hkoply   What exactly is the problem with desire? Shunyamurti offers a response to this question and insight into how to rediscover what every being truly desires: the freedom and glory of the Real Self, and the capacity for Divine Love, which is the real power that brings the ultimate fulfillment. This short but powerful teaching is a precursor to the upcoming New Year Retreat, Desire, Dharma and Deliverance, which begins this Friday. If you wish to fully understand the origin, destiny and paradox of desire, sign up today for a non ordinary New Year, New Kalpa event with the Sat Yoga Global Sangha!