Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 71:47:54
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Dive deep into personal development, spirituality and how to grow your online business with Melissa Ruiz, spiritual & online business coach. She shares insight on to how to stay in alignment with your highest self while balancing your business.



    10/01/2022 Duration: 53min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Jena Sophia, who is a subconscious specialist and healer. We’ll be talking all about the power of the mind and how to let go of the physical and mental struggle. Using her bespoke approach based on spiritual and scientific methods collected over the past decade, Jena helps high performers who have tried everything, transform emotional stress and physical pain and relationships in record time. What to watch for: -Recognizing and honoring the struggle that is there. -Transforming limiting beliefs and past traumas that have contributed to limitation in life. -Taking time to practice the ease. -Slowing down the thoughts and choosing not to think about the struggling ones. -Being and planning in the present moment. Words to live by: “What will never go away is not in your coaches or in the people you follow, it is in you.” “Nothing is going to be given to you. Letting go of the struggle is something you have to want for yourself and develop it yourself.” “The


    31/12/2021 Duration: 26min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast where Melissa will share with us her 2022 predictions on how she sees business unfolding. Join us in this last episode where we’ll break down the main things Universe has prepared for us in the upcoming year. What to watch for: -Connecting your business to how you want to feel. -Pouring ourselves in position to get to know ourselves better. -Being in community with other soulpreneurs. -Letting your heart be the guide. -Being confident on how much we are charging. -Normalizing the online mentoring space. Words to live by: “We are going to see more than ever people building their businesses based on how they want to feel vs how much money they want to make.” “You are not going to be able to survive in business if you don’t collaborate.” “We are going to have more human beings in business that are led from the heart.” “You are going to be able to learn to resource yourself.” “Success it’s not in the amount of following, it’s in the right type of following: ideal clients” “The energy


    24/12/2021 Duration: 50min

    Today I’m joined by Alyson Charles, an internationally renowned Shaman, Best-Selling Author and Host of Ceremony Circle Podcast. Alyson went from being a national champion athlete, top-rated radio host and national daytime television talk show host, to aligning with her calling as a Shaman after a traumatic moment provided her awakening. Stay with us for the entire episode for some expansive teaching on how to step into your fullest power. What to watch for: -Working directly with the wisdoms of Great Mother Earth. -Allow yourself to acknowledge the whispers and messages from the Universe. -Surrendering into the Great Mystery. -Continuing to heal. -Leaning into the Power Animals wisdom. Words to live by: “My awakening came from an intervention from my helpers, but the choice I made was to say to these helpers ‘I’m ready to get out of my way’” “When a particular soul level calling clicks on inside of you and begins to unite with your soul it's an undeniable feeling.” “I needed to discontract a paradigm mentali


    17/12/2021 Duration: 31min

    Welcome to a new solo podcast where we’ll be wrapping up 2021 and setting the intentions for the next year. Today we will talk about resistance, fears and figuring out what the universe has prepared for us. What to watch for: -Accessing the Akashic Records. -Connecting to the imprint of your soul. -Moving and getting out of the ego. -Telling fear and intuition apart. -Slowing down to speed up. Words to live by: “Your soul has a DNA of every single lifetime that it has lived.” “When we make a decision based on intuition vs fear we train the body to learn how to trust itself.” “Whatever blessing that’s coming your way, there’s no way it can skip you.” “We need to meet every moment with openness and excitement, that is going to release the pressure of resistance.” “Sometimes we want things to be perfect and easy without an ounce of resistance, what that’s not real humans.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    03/12/2021 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to a new solo episode where we’ll dive deep into soul business, spirituality, building the bridge between currency and business, and all of the different things that we get to do now. Today, we’ll talk about how to incorporate the four elements of fire, water, earth and air into our everyday lives. What to watch for: -Activating the torch within you that keeps you going. -Choosing to surrender. -Letting all your potential unfold. -Not giving in to your fears by trusting yourself. -Creating groundness in our bodies and spirit. Words to live by: “Our logical mind is always going to give us a reason why this is not the right moment; but I choose to be guided by my intuition.” “The fire element reminds us of what we can throw in there that we no longer need, that we can alchemize to the thing that we exactly need.” “The water element is related to surrendering the disturbances to something bigger than you.” “The air element represents our willingness to go with the flow and accept change.” “The eart


    20/11/2021 Duration: 27min

    Today, we’re talking about all things money. In this new episode, Melissa covers the relationship we have not only with money, but also with our nervous system, our body. Join us while we dive deep into the different levels this relationship can have. What to watch for: -Feeling safe around money. -Tuning into the energetics of money. -Recognizing that we are the place where money originates. -The energetic exchange that exists in every transaction. -Letting the energy currency flow. Words to live by: “We can’t want money and also feel like we hate it.” “Most people aren’t used to having that overflow and that abundant state of being. Because we live in a society that thrives on a lack mentality.” “There are levels to money, just making it is not enough. We have to be able to look at all the different components.” “I get blessed, you get blessed, they get blessed. That’s how money works.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    12/11/2021 Duration: 28min

    Today, we’re diving deep into investing and betting on ourselves. In this new episode, Melissa covers the limiting beliefs around money entrepreneurs sometimes have, practicing self care, and setting boundaries in our lives. Stay for the entirety of this episode for some juicy insights on the practice of investing soulfully on ourselves. What to watch for: -Learning to say no and practicing self care -Non-attachment to the outside -Honoring your desire -Battling the limiting beliefs we may have around money -Recognizing that every interaction is divine Words to live by: “The most important thing you can do is make the investment within yourself. And that is free.” “There’s a beautiful energetic exchange that happens when you finally decide to invest money and time on yourself.” “Why is it that when it comes to ourselves, it brings up so much? But, it’s not our fault because we haven’t heard this narrative before.” “It’s always the easiest thing that seems the most complicated, because as humans, we want to be


    29/10/2021 Duration: 51min

    Welcome to a new collab episode, in which I’m joined by Aisho Love, Goddess & Empyrean Priestess, Mentor, & Soul Guide. We’ll be talking all about our Higher Self, the connection to our creator, and moving through trauma. Aisho is known for her ability to empower, remind & guide those back home to their divine power, purpose, and potential. What to watch for: -Letting divine feminine speak through us. -Stepping into greater vibrations. -Becoming further liberated from remembering the truth of our divinity & true nature. -Honoring the connection we have to our own spirit. -Not being attached to the outcome. Words to live by: “We have the ability to share and be who we want to be and create from that space, and not through the outcome.” “The godly way of showing up and being in service is just because. Just because you feel called to express your unique soul expression.”“You are not your toxic thoughts. Who you are is in the spirit that lies in the essence of the being.” “To be pulled by yo


    22/10/2021 Duration: 47min

    Today, I’m joined by Dr. Danielle DonDiego, a doctor, author and entrepreneur. e’ll be talking all about resilience, switching direction in life, and moving through trauma. Danielle helps degree collecting, burnt out professionals build a life beyond what’s on their resumes. What to watch for: -Identifying when our bodies are starting to burn out. -Recognizing and moving through trauma. -Alchemizing our story. -Acknowledging what our purpose is in life. -Implementing self-care in our lives. Words to live by: “When we actually get to see the past, that something was really needed and beneficial for our soul expansion – that changes the whole story.” “Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you. And everything in life is meant to give you something.” “All of those moments that happen, give you more insight into who you are and what you are doing.” “All money is not good money, when it comes in between you and your happiness.” IG Melissa Ruiz: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa IG Dr. Danielle


    15/10/2021 Duration: 35min

    In this solo episode, we’ll dive deeper into something simple but transformative – just asking ourselves, “What’s standing in our way?” We’ll touch base on all things alchemizing our energy, identifying toxic thoughts and finding balance in our lifestyles. Melissa will also journey through some of the portals in her brand new offer, Portal to the Vision. What to watch for: -Experience this journey in a healthy way. -Identifying and transcending toxic thoughts. -Paying attention to the things we are putting in our bodies. -Having intentional conversations with our inner Self. Words to live by: “When we come in contact with live beings, we feel elevated.” “Sometimes, the thing that is standing in our way is the energy we are sitting with.” “You are not your toxic thoughts. Who you are is in the spirit that lies in the essence of the being.” “All of the things that we do here, are all of the things that bring us closer to the inside world.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    08/10/2021 Duration: 33min

    Today, we’re diving deep into how to create your soul business!  In this new episode, Melissa teaches you the concept of being a soulpreneur and how to express your energy out into the universe while building a legacy. She also shares all about the journey that led her to create Unleash & Unveil Your Soul Business. What to watch for: -The difference between a regular business and a Soul business -The importance of spiritual practices -Achieving unconditional trust in yourself -Gaining clarity on what you are envisioning for your future -Finding a tribe and building a secure space for your community Words to live by: “No matter what the end result is, I’m going to be happy” “The more I listened to myself, the more opportunity started to open up” “I'm obsessed with that feeling of swiping my card without checking the balance” “I’m asking you to go within and to meet those different aspects of you, so that you can unveil the truest version of who you are” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    02/10/2021 Duration: 33min

    In this solo episode, we’ll dive deep into prosperity, love, relationship and, most importantly, money. If you’ve been leaning into the energy of wishing for abundance, then you don't want to miss this episode, where Melissa shares the five things you want to avoid when attracting money. What to watch for: -Understanding the relationship with money as a love relationship -Breaking down the identification with time Finding a place of non-expecting -Attuning to the energy of abundance so that you can manifest the heart's desires -Making conscious decisions about the thoughts we entertain Words to live by: “I love money, and money loves me back” “My soul came to experience so many things; and one of them is being in wealthy” “It’s all about tuning into the frequency that allows the next unfolding of your life” “If I can’t find my peace inside, you won't find peace on the outside” IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    24/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    In this solo episode, we dive deeper into knowing yourself and the art of being led by Spirit. We talk all about trust, intuition, connection to the divine and the limiting beliefs that resurface when we start making money. If you’re looking for ways to connect to that Source that’s bigger than you, then this episode is for you. Stay with us for some divine insights about connection to Spirit, the Universe and on how to defeat the limiting belief about success. What to watch for: -Knowing yourself so that you can access trusting yourself -Being led by Spirit vs spirituality -Limiting beliefs as we are making money -Using our Intuition as the navigation Words to live by: “I’m a spiritual being led by something bigger than myself and bigger that any other being that’s walking on this earth.” “When you put yourself in place, you are able to create action and to see what happens.” “The Soul’s journey really came here to experience.” “Connect to the thing that’s bigger than you, so that no matter what you choose t


    16/09/2021 Duration: 45min

    Today I’m joined by Olanikee Osibowale, CEO of @selfishbabes & @goddessdetox , where we talk about all things the womb, the vagina and the seed of life. Olanikee’s business is helping women to physically, spiritually and emotionally cleanse and reconnect to themselves. Stay with us for the entire episode for some electric insights on the importance of taking care of your sacred place. What to watch for: -Understand that the womb can be a portal of creation -How important for you is the connection to your womb and vagina -How to integrate herbs and plant medicine into your life -The way you feel the energy and how that reflects in our life Words to live by: “The womb is a portal and we can channel and create things through it.” “When you are looking at your womb and you are having more heat added to your womb, the blood is going to flow more.” “I’m just helping women to realize that it’s more than what you physically see with your eyes.” “I am whatever I say I am.” IG: @iammelissaruiz @waking


    09/09/2021 Duration: 32min

    If you’ve been leaning into the energetic practices of the divine, then your’e not going to want to miss this episode where we talk about all the juicy details on prayer, manifestation and affirmations. Stay with us as we journey inward and connect with something bigger than us. In this solo episode Melissa shares her personal practices and what she does off her mat when no one is watching. What to watch for: -The difference between prayer, affirmations and the power they have -What location to set up your altar and things to put on it -Insight on the Lakshmi Goddess and how you can work with her -The different ascended masters and the medicine they hold Words to live by: “My biggest investment with the highest return has always been my spiritual practice” “Sit in the seat of harnessing your own power so that the outside influences only become insight” “You have to trust and believe you’re actually where you need to be no matter the outcome” “The most important thing you have to trust isn’t your


    01/09/2021 Duration: 31min

    If you’ve been feeling resistance in certain aspect of your biz lately, then stay for the entirety of this solo episode in which Melissa teaches us the energetic reasons why this resistance has showed up in your life and how to integrate and reparent certain aspects of yourself Stay with us for some magic tips on how to work with the energy of resistance both in your life and your business What to watch for: -How we can befriend resistance -How the energy of resistance can become your teacher -Investigate why resistance has showed up in your life -Understand resistance as an opportunity -Understand discipline as a cause and effect energy Words to live by: -"I’m not looking for another certification to make me more qualified than I already am." -"The answer is never in the shut down and the ‘I’m not going to do this'." -"Resistance is just another way to have perspective over the Self." -"It’s easier when we look at these aspects of ourselves with the opportunity to try and heal them." -"Discipline is a be


    24/08/2021 Duration: 43min

    If you’re looking to tune into the frequency of abundance, then stay for the entirety of this solo episode in which we’ll talk all about how to attract cosmic currency, identify our money stories and the role of living wealthy⁣. ⁣ Stay with us for the entire episode for some cosmic tips on how to identify your money stories and alchemize that energy into receiving⁣. What to watch for: -Working in our inner world⁣ -How the frequency of love, abundance and prosperity work⁣s -Why you are not seeing what you want to manifest, sooner⁣ -The Self wanting to experience itself⁣ Words to live by: "When you try to control you are only inviting more scarcity and repealing your heart’s desires⁣." "We are here to experience the range of vibrations and the role of living wealthy." IG: @iammelissaruiz @wakingupwithmelissa


    15/08/2021 Duration: 35min

    If you’re looking to find alignment within your masculine and feminine energy, this episode is for you. In this solo episode we dive deeper into the journey inward and the connection with ourselves. We talk all about alignment, releasing control, success, inner work and the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.  Stay with us for the entire episode for some cosmic insights about the study of the Self and the power of Manifestation. What to watch for: Balancing your masculine and feminine energy Finding alignment through the journey inward The principle of Trust and how to use it The deeper connection with Self The polarity of why things happen Words to live by: “When you try to control, you’re only inviting more scarcity and you repeal your hearts desires.” “There’s nothing wrong with wanting more for yourself but recognize that you don’t need it.” “This is why we have polarity so that the Self can have more perspective” “Alignment is when your core beliefs match your frequency and your frequency mat


    08/08/2021 Duration: 55min

    How Sound Healing & Breathwork speak to the Soul of the Self Welcome to episode 14 Today I’m joined by Shanila Sattar where we talk about all things sound healing, energy and being a soulpreneur. Stay with us for the entire episode for some electric insights on the ins and outs of how to stay in alignment with your Dharma while you building your soul business. What to Watch For: Goals expire but your values are consistent When all the parts of the Self meet and we integrate How to get clear with what your final destination is Check Out Shanila IG: @shanila.sattar


    13/10/2020 Duration: 46min

    If you’re looking to find alignment with yourself, your business and your relationships, this episode is for you. In this episode we dive deeper into what astrology, manifestation and spirituality can mean for your business (& answer all the questions you have). Joined by Colin Bedell (@queercosmos,) an astrologer curating weekly lifestyle weekly horoscopes on goal management & strategy for Cosmopolitan Magazine and 3 time author; we talk all about astrology, spirituality, relationships. How to get away from the mainstream and dive deeper into your intuition. Level up your business and yourself by following the guidance Colin revels in this episode. What to watch for Astrology as a safe haven Finding universal truths The world as it is Transits happening now (and what it means) Destiny vs creating our own reality Roles and what we have to unlearn Words to live by: “Astrology is acceptance for all” “Let's normalize getting new information and adjusting our values” “Abundance belongs to all of us” “St

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