Achieve Your Goals, Keep a Consistent Schedule and Live Your Dream Life
7 Ways To Determine If A Mastermind Will Help You Earn More
07/11/2019 Duration: 34minAt some point in an entrepreneur’s journey, we think to ourselves “I wish I could replicate myself so that I could get more done.” It’s normal to feel stressed and stretched, especially when you wear all the hats in your company. The best thing we can do as business owners is to keep growing personally. When you’re talking to yourself about what needs to happen in your business, all the ideas sound good. The next thing you know, you’re using Saturday as a make-up day to get it all done and feeling overwhelmed from all the decision-making. Today’s episode on the Daily Success Show will help you determine if joining a mastermind group is the right path for you to increase your revenue and productivity. Being in business doesn't have to be lonely. You need to be surrounded by the RIGHT people, who get it and can support you. If you're ready to find your tribe, stop playing small and do what it takes to get your business to the next level. I want to invite you to apply for Achievers Club, Daily Success Rou
Keeping Self-Commitments is Sexy. Here's Why.
05/11/2019 Duration: 01h25minIf the first thing you checked when you woke up this morning was your work email, you're setting yourself up for disaster. You’re priorities instantly go out the door because you’re using email to dictate your to-do list. Achieving your bigger goals and dreams means keeping commitments with yourself. When you commit to becoming a better version of yourself, your career, relationships, and all the other areas in your life will certainly fall into place. Are you curious about how to build a deeper confidence in your ability to make those goals happen and have power over your life? This episode of the Daily Success Show is a special peek inside a workshop for the Society of Professional Women where I was the keynote speaker. I talk about the hidden unproductive habits and the systems and processes that will help your business reach the next financial milestone. It's time to create an execution plan for 2020 that takes your business to the next level. Join the Plannerpalooza challenge 3-days of Free masterc
5 Ways to Bounce Back from an Emotional Low in Business
01/11/2019 Duration: 33minHave you ever been in the position where the revenues that you’ve been depending on didn't come through? I know firsthand what it feels like to wonder if you can pay yourself on a given month. Having a business setback can lead to emotional frustration that’s tough to recover from. But even when you’re at an emotional low, you can still get results! The Daily Success Show episode today will teach you 5 quick ways to deal with hitting rock bottom in your business and bouncing back with more positive energy. No more feeling stuck about where you are in your entrepreneurial journey. Listen to this episode to get back in the game and turn things around. Our free action guide will guide you in cleaning up unhelpful thoughts and start seeing life in a positive light. Get instant access at It's time to create an execution plan for 2020 that takes your business to the next level. Join the Plannerpalooza challenge 3-days of Free masterclasses to set your business up for succe
Your Revenue Rising Starts With These Back-Office Systems
29/10/2019 Duration: 32minMost business owners think that the latest marketing tactic is the secret to obtaining customers so they spend most of their valuable time researching and trying of marketing tricks. While attracting your ideal clients is important, your revenue rising truly starts with having back-office systems in place for your business. The worst thing you can do is usher new clients into a disorganized business. Entrepreneurs often neglect their back offices. It’s easy to ignore because you don’t realize the impact a little structure has until you struggle with collecting payments from your clients or don’t know your numbers, and you’re wondering which part of the business is bleeding your money. If you’re curious what systems should you set up or where to start, listen to today’s episode of the Daily Success Show and learn how to be a more productive and profitable CEO of your business. Strengthen your business operations and the ability to attract the right people by having the right systems in place. Download th
Money Making Activities
17/10/2019 Duration: 30minDo you ever feel like you haven’t done enough at the end of the work day? When you spend your time on multiple mini tasks, you waste the opportunity to financially focus on the bigger picture of driving income into your company. As the CEO who sometimes wears all the hats, you should know the difference between $10 duties versus $1000 ones. Focusing on the Money Making Activities (MMAs) will help you prioritize what’s important in your business and achieve your sales goals. You may not be aware of it but sometimes this part of the job is uncomfortable so you delay or resist doing it. In this second part of our 3-part series, learn the 5 common reasons why entrepreneurs avoid MMAs and how to overcome them. You can also grab the episode’s Daily Success tool called Financial Focus Finder to help you track your time for tasks that bring in the revenue. Related episodes mentioned: Episode 31 3 Hidden Habits Preventing You From Being Productive Episode 8 Overcoming Productive Procrastination It's time to create
The Power of Investing in Yourself
12/10/2019 Duration: 37minHave you ever struggled in making a financial decision about what to invest in? Ideally, we want maximum growth for our business investments with little to no risk of loss or discomfort. In the real world, that isn’t the case. So where do you put your dollars to get the biggest return for your business? What most people don’t realize is that there is great power in investing in yourself. Yes, YOU. Growth in yourself means growth in the other aspects in your life-- including that revenue milestone that you want to achieve. In today’s Daily Success Show, learn the 6 mistakes that people make when it comes to making investing decisions. By understanding these mistakes, you will know how to operate more powerfully when it comes to making financial choices that will scale your business. Ready to invest in yourself and take your business to the next level? Join our Free Masterclass on the 5 Shifts that Women Entrepreneurs Need to Make Their Business Profitable. The Daily Success Show is available on iTunes, Goog
3 Hidden Habits Preventing You from Being Productive
27/09/2019 Duration: 01h13minAt some point, we all have gone through (or still going through) the daily battle of bad habits that are keeping us from being productive. It’s tempting to assume that a lack of discipline or poor time management is the cause. But there are much more serious unproductive habits creating a ceiling in your life and your career and it’s time we tackle them. In today’s Daily Success Show episode, I’ll share with you how to use routines as a practice to help you become more consistent in living a productive workday. Get rid of the notorious time-wasters so that you can manage your priorities and streamline everything else. As a bonus, you can get your free copy of the Daily Success System Action Guide that will help you get more done in 3 months than you have all year. Together, let’s create a plan to wake up productive and with great intention to succeed every single day. Need help setting up your business back-end and finding out the next best step for your business? Book a call with me or my team to learn mo
How to Create Your Personal Mission Statement
24/09/2019 Duration: 28minBuilding your entrepreneurial path isn’t always a walk in the park. Yes, you’ll encounter internal struggles when it comes to stepping out of our comfort zone and begin more visionary. Frequently, you’ll feel you’re torn about juggling time between your 9-to-5 job, business, and family. In this episode of the Daily Success Show, learn how to unapologetically create your own entrepreneurial path. I’ll share how having a personal mission statement can help you accomplish what you truly want in life. I’ll also share the challenges I faced on my journey of pursuing my business goals and how being okay with things NOT going exactly as planned lead me to become a successful business owner. Need help setting up your business back-end and finding out the next best step for your business? Book a call with me or my team to learn more about how our programs can help you. The Daily Success Show is available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spotify, Player FM, iHeartRadio and Listennotes.
How a Client Onboarding Process Can Make You More Profitable
26/08/2019 Duration: 21minAre you so eager to bring in new clients that marketing strategies are all you think about? If you believe business systems and processes are for big companies only, then you're absolutely wrong. I made the same mistake and it cost me tens of thousands of dollars. Marketing is important but being 100% consumed by putting the word out about your services is a big mistake business owners make. Because of that, we tend to forget that a great customer onboarding experience is what creates referrals, retains clients, and that's where the money is! In this episode of the Daily Success Show, learn the 5 reasons WHY you need a client onboarding process and HOW it can drive more profit into your business. Start setting one up for yourself today and get those revenue numbers up! Need help setting up your client management systems? This September, join us in the Client Delivery Bootcamp inside of the Daily Success Achievers Club Program. Book a call to learn more. See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for to
Create a Weekly Reset Routine for your Business and Get More Done
19/08/2019 Duration: 27minAre you in the weeds of running your business? I know it's tough to be the operations, financial, and client manager and wear all the hats. You get caught up in the day-to-day of providing service to your customers and trying to run the business at the same time. Well, not anymore. With a weekly reset routine for your business, you are able to take a step back and focus on the most important income-generating activities. Learn how to organize your day to get more done and work ON the business… not just IN the business. In this Daily Success Show episode, I'm going to spill the tea on how creating a weekly reset routine has helped me to become more strategic as a business owner. Spoiler alert: a small time spent on resetting your week will make a big impact on running the business. Action-taking Time! Download the Business Weekly Reset Checklist and decide on which day of the week you're going to spend on planning ahead. Block it out on your calendar and be on top of the key drivers in your business! See t
Stop Putting Off Your Dreams for Someone Else’s
13/08/2019 Duration: 27minWorking on your entrepreneurial dreams doesn’t mean that you have to give up all the other things in your life. Likewise, if you want to be a profitable and productive business owner your family, your 9-to-5 job, and your community work should not be roadblocks to your success. Are you taking on extra responsibilities to please your clients and or co-workers? Or maybe you make your family/kid’s future a priority over yours and tell yourself the dream is on hold because of lack of TIME and MONEY. There are MYTHS and false beliefs keeping you from going for the life that you really want and today I'm going to reveal them. If you've been putting everything else first, then you seriously need a mindset shift and reminder that your dreams are important, too. In this episode of the Daily Success Show, I'll share how to find more time for your goals invest in yourself, do the work, and get the results. Action-taking Time! Which myth do you need to shift your mindset on? Share it with us and get featured on the Dai
How to Run A Business By The Numbers
06/08/2019 Duration: 37minAre you the type of person who hates crunching numbers or consistently tracking stats? If you typically feel like a deer in the headlights when you hear the words "financial management" you're going to enjoy what I put together for you. Profitable and productive business owners know their numbers. First, I have to admit that tracking numbers was something that I struggled with. The secret is to get comfortable and the only way to do that is by practicing and deciding on just a few numbers to keep an eye on. Now, in order for this episode to work its magic, you must first let go of any baggage you have with numbers or math in general. Loosen up and get ready to learn the 7 numbers that high-earning businesses track and how you can use them to increase revenue and make better business decisions. Get instant and free access to today's action guide at Learn more about the Achievers Club and join the FREE masterclass here! Let's hangout on Instagram and I'll show you why being produ
Priority Blocking for Better Work-Life Boundaries
02/08/2019 Duration: 33minWe've all heard about Calendar Blocking. You try your best to stick to your tightly planned schedule and to-do lists, but with all the unnecessities and OPPs (Other People’s Priorities), sometimes it just seems impossible to complete everything. Newsflash: It isn’t. With Priority Blocking, you set a color-coded action plan to get clear on your priorities and execute your plans with composure and still have time for fun in between. You need to plan in advance for the things that you want so that you can be more on point with your goals. No more winging it! In today’s Daily Success Show, learn the techniques of organizing your calendar to improve time-management and lifestyle habits and excel at work while enjoying life. Grab the Action Guide for FREE! Check out our Daily Success Routine Shop for your Priority Blocking needs! And because you're tuning in, get 10% OFF on DSR Planners and DSR Weekly Planning Pads. Use the code "Dailysuccessshow" upon checkout. Related episodes mentioned: How I Plan Goals for t
Overcoming Lack Mentality
18/07/2019 Duration: 38minYour thoughts have the power to control your life. But your businesses can only grow as much as you do. Are you the kind of person who gets anxious wondering when will good things finally happen for you and when they do, you feel like it won't last for long? If so, you might be suffering from Lack Mentality. If not taken care of, it could disrupt your productivity and how you drive income to your business. Identify if you have the Lack Mindset by answering the 7 Questions in the Action Guide. Here’s a peek: “Does your energy deflate as your bank account lowers?” “Do you feel frustrated by your peers in your industry who seem to be further along?” “Do you feel like you don’t deserve a break because you’re not earning enough?” Today, I will help you to start seeing things differently by adopting the Abundant Mindset. Learn how to overcome the lack mentality so that you can grow the business that you dream of. Get the Action Guide for free! See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today's episode at
Mid-Year Gameplan
15/07/2019 Duration: 27minHow many times have you set your goals at the beginning of the year only to abandon them when it’s exhausting or too hard? Do you catch yourself losing the will of putting them into action because there’s always "next year"? We’re NOT doing that anymore! The middle of the year is the perfect opportunity to course-correct and shift your mindset to get to where you want to be in your business or career. Now that we’re on the second half of 2019, it’s time to look over the past months of how much (or how little) you’ve progressed and let’s plan out the last 2 quarters. In today’s Daily Success Show, I’m going to help you put together your Midyear Game Plan into action. To help you know your baseline or evaluate where you are right now, I've created the Mid-year Game Plan Action Guide that you can grab for FREE! Related episodes mentioned:Ep 3 Six Routines That Will Transform Your Life Ep 14 Powerdown Routine See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today's episode at
How to Tell Your Clients You're Going On Vacation
06/07/2019 Duration: 26minIt's perfectly normal that you stress about the income that you could be losing when you take time away from your business. As an entrepreneur, leaving your business for a family vacation or to simply unwind takes a little planning. What most people don't appreciate is that taking a vacation is a healthy investment not only for yourself but for your business as well. In today's Daily Success Show, I'm going to share why you need to take time off with ease and still bring in the sales. To help you get started on planning out worry-free, self-care days, I've created the Time Off Checklist for Business Owners that you can check out at Related episodes mentioned: Ep 8 Overcoming Productive Procrastination Ep 10 Weekly Reset Routine Learn more about the Achievers Club and join the FREE masterclass here! Let's hang out on Instagram and I'll show you why being productive in your business doesn't have to be so hard.@dailysuccessroutine@jamilapayne The Daily Success Show is ava
Plannerpalooza: Build A Team and Stop Doing Everything Yourself
28/06/2019 Duration: 31minWould your business stop if you were to take a vacation RIGHT NOW? Stop doing everything yourself! Okay, it may not be as easy as it sounds if you're the kind of entrepreneur who wants every detail to be perfect. That' a great attitude but you don't have to be the crazy, micro-manager person. You've got to realize that even if you've got it all covered, you sometimes need help, too. Not only that, you’re spending a lot of your precious time on tasks that aren't generating income AND losing out on money by the second. Here's the scoop: it's possible to do everything without working long hours. In this episode, I'm taking you inside of our training called Plannerpalooza where I'll teach you how to build a team, effectively plan a weekly work schedule and get ahead of your business. Today's take action activity:You can watch the full training here: WATCH NOW See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today's episode at Learn more about the Achievers Club and join the FREE
Plannerpalooza: Plan A Weekly Work Schedule to Get More Done Without Long Hours
25/06/2019 Duration: 33minIf you're finding that work is taking over your life, you might need to develop healthier routines and get rid of the time-vampires that are sabotaging your day. Imagine what it would be like to breeze through your day-to-day tasks without stress but with ease. It's not only possible but necessary because, as you know by now, time=money! The only thing worse than overworking yourself is not getting the results that you actually want after putting in so much effort. Many people neglect the power of planning their weekly work schedule thinking it takes too long, when in reality it's the ultimate time-saver! In this episode, I'm going to let you take a peek on Plannerpalooza, a training we hosted at Daily Success Routine. Learn the hacks of planning your workweek to save you more time, more money, and more self-love. See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today's episode at Today's take action activity:You can watch the full training here. WATCH NOW:
Plannerpalooza: 5 Systems You Need to Automate and Grow Your Business
19/06/2019 Duration: 29minDid you know that 20% of businesses fail in their first year and more than 50% fail in their Year 5? I’m going to share with you how to NOT belong in that statistic. If you want to be on the business growth track but you still feel unorganized and do everything yourself, I've got you covered in this episode. I'm giving you front row seats on this training called PlannerPalooza by Daily Success Routine and we will tackle the ways to work less stressed by applying the 5 systems that can automate and grow your business. What you will learn: Set up a process for onboarding clients, managing communication and getting paid Know where the business stands financially and stop wondering if or when the money's coming Plan out your color-coded calendar with priority projects and focus more on being the CEO See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today's episode at You can watch the full training here:WATCH NOW: Today's take action activity: Watch
7-Step Plan to Quit the 9-to-5 Life and Build a Business
13/06/2019 Duration: 41minIf you’re at a job that you do not love, you’ll be dreading Monday mornings for the rest of your life. Every day is a tedious workday and that is just a recipe for burnout. Deep inside you, you know what you really want in life– starting a new venture, changing the world or pursuing your dreams. But you can’t just do that in a snap, right? The biggest mistake that you could do is taking a leap instead of building a bridge. In this episode, I’m going to reveal the 7 steps you need to take before quitting your 9 to 5 job and how I managed to replace my six-figure salary in 6 months. BONUS! Get the Action Guide to Develop your Sustainability Number! This is perfect for your transition from your 9-to-5 job to your business, regardless of where you are right now in your journey, or to simply know your baseline number for your revenue. See the FULL show notes and get the Action Guide for today’s episode at Learn more about the Achievers Club and join the FREE masterclass here! Jo