Clay Andrews Relationship Advice Podcast



Relationship and dating advice from Clay Andrews.You deserve to be loved for who you are. Listen to this podcast and I'll show you how.


  • How To Let Go Of Resentment Towards An Ex

    26/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    In this episode I discuss the topic of resentment and how it can keep you from really moving on from your ex. A lot of people actually believe that they have moved on, when really they are just rotting in the emotion of resentment. But it doesn't have to be that way. Let me explain...

  • Should I Give Up On My Ex? Should I Move On?

    26/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    In this episode I want to clear up any confusion you may have about my stance on getting back together with your ex or moving on. After all I am known as someone who helps people get back together with their ex. But the last several episodes have been about moving on. What's the deal? Let me explain in this episode...

  • How To Move On When Still In Love With Your Ex

    26/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    This is a follow up to the previous podcast. In this episode I want to address the fact that if you are going to move on you do not owe it to your ex to stay in contact with them or to reply to then or to do anything. Your healing and your recovery is the first and primary concern for you.

  • How To Let Go Of Someone You Love

    26/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    Going through a breakup can be difficult, especially when you still love your ex. In this episode, we'll be talking about how to let go of your ex after a breakup, especially in those difficult cases where you still love that person.

  • What Is An Unhealthy Relationship?

    13/03/2019 Duration: 21min

    What is an unhealthy relationship? Building off of the episode on healthy relationships, I wanted to talk about the other end of the spectrum. Rather than give you a laundry list of unhealthy signs to memorize, I'm keeping this simple for you again by boiling this down to the essence of what makes a dynamic unhealthy. That is, do you feel that you can freely express who you are to your partner?

  • Love or Fear? Your Choice - How To Have A Good Relationship

    12/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    There are really two types of relationship advice out there. There is the type that encourages you to step into fear and the kind that encourages you to embrace love. And when you decide which game you're playing the whole relationship and dating game becomes much, much simpler. So, today, I'm going to ask you to make a simple choice. Love or fear?

  • What Is Respect In A Relationship | Respect In Relationships

    11/03/2019 Duration: 19min

    Respect is a foundation of a strong relationship. But how do you define respect? What one person may think is respectful may be seen by someone else as disrespectful. The truth is that respect is determined by the conversations that we have with the people in our lives and the agreements we come to because of those conversations. I'll share a story from my own relationship with my wife and use it as an example of how two people may interpret the same event in different ways.

  • Signs of a Healthy Relationship | What Is a Healthy Relationship

    09/03/2019 Duration: 22min

    Healthy relationships are what we all want, but what is a healthy relationship? How do you know when you're in one, and how do you know when to run screaming the other way? That's what this is podcast episode's topic is about. And rather than making this too complicated, I want to make this actually quite simple and easy for you. Let me explain...

  • When To Let Go Of A Relationship

    06/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    Letting go of a relationship is never easy. It can be one of the most difficult things that you do, whether you are on the end where you are breaking up or you are on the end where someone else is breaking up with you. But rather than drag things on longer than they need to, I'll share some advice and strategies with you that will help you figure out when it is best to let go so that you can have the space in your life to actually have the right relationship for you.

  • How To Keep From Losing Yourself In A Relationship

    05/03/2019 Duration: 22min

    Keeping your own independence and not losing yourself in a relationship is critical if you want to keep that relationship strong. After all, if you give up who you are, you are actually letting go of what initially drew you and your partner together in the first place. And when things like that start to happen, bad things begin to build up in the dynamic and the relationship. I'll give you some advice that has worked for me on helping you keep your identity in a relationship.

  • How To Make A Relationship Work

    04/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    Learning how to make a relationship work isn't going to be easy. Why? Because it involves letting go of your ego (or the "me") at the center of who you are and stepping into a "we" in order to support a stronger dynamic. In this episode I'll share with you ways that I've learned to do that so that you can have a better and stronger relationship.

  • Why Relationships Fail And How To Make Them Stronger

    01/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    Why do relationships fail? In this episode I'll explain to you the two reasons why relationships fail and how you can start to set your relationship up for success. There is an "ideal way" and another way to make your relationship work. I realize that most people can't start a relationship in the ideal way because you are probably already in the midst of a relationship that may not be working out very well. If that's the case, the second option is for you.

  • Overcoming Insecurity in Relationships | Stop Relationship Insecurity

    01/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    Insecurity in a relationship can hold you back or even sabotage you from getting what you want. Or it may even destroy your relationship completely. In this podcast, I will explain how to tell the difference between things that are worth being insecure about and things that are just in your own mind. This is a concept that I call the BS Machine that can really hold you back, if you don't get it under control.

  • How To Stop Being Needy In A Relationship

    27/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    We all know instinctively that being needy in a relationship is not going to actually help you get where you want. But learning how to stop being needy in a relationship isn't as simple as just not acting needy. Because how you act is just a mask of how you really feel. The truth is that you can stop being needy by learning to meet your own needs in a relationship. Let me explain...

  • Raise Your Standards In Relationships

    27/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    The topic os standards in a relationship is incredibly important. Raising your standards in a relationship is important to help you bring to you the right partner and the right relationship. Because by doing this, you are saying "no" to what isn't in alignment with your standards and you are creating the space for actually welcoming what you truly want from a relationship.

  • Getting To The Root of Successful Relationships

    26/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, I set the tone for what this series is about and what it takes to have a successful relationship. This is going to dig deeper than most of the relationship advice out there that you may have seen or heard. And that's because we're looking beneath the surface and looking at what it takes to have a successful relationship.

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