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Ridgeview Church


  • When You Want Justice - Audio

    04/12/2022 Duration: 37min

    Sometimes conflict and injustice come into our lives and we didn’t directly provoke it. Whenever injustice occurs, it’s natural to desire retaliation. When we pursue our own retaliation, it reveals a heart that doesn’t trust in the Lord’s ultimate rescue. Join us to find out the bibles solutions...

  • When You Open Your Mouth - Audio

    28/11/2022 Duration: 43min

    All of us struggle with controlling our speech. Every time we open our mouth we are revealing to others something about us. What we say gives us away. Lets see what the bible has to say about redeemed speech..

  • When You’re Challenged to Act - Audio

    20/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    One of the major pressure points we face is learning to be people of action. Over time we gather more and more information but sadly personal change doesn’t come. God’s desire is that we would be people who hear His Word and then choose an obedient response. He wants us to move from information to application, which leads to life long transformation and blessing. Lets dive further into James and find out how...

  • When You’re Enticed - Audio

    13/11/2022 Duration: 36min

    We often don’t realize the deadly process that is taking place when we are being tempted. It’s easy to ignore subtle temptations because it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal. We need to be reminded to stand guard because of our constant vulnerability. Let's dive into the sobering process laid out in James..

  • When You’re Under Pressure - Audio

    07/11/2022 Duration: 38min

    Whether you’re going through the fire right now or not, suffering may be right around the corner. Developing the right perspective on suffering is critical. Some would say that we can somehow escape trouble and suffering however James is clear that...

  • When Forgiveness Seems Impossible - Audio

    31/10/2022 Duration: 32min

    Forgiveness can seem impossible and without Christ—it truly is. When we decide to follow Christ, we become citizens of a brand-new kingdom. We now have a new forgiveness reflex that we must learn and live. This sermon will look at how to move past pride to forgive and how we can experience peace and power when we do

  • When Bitterness Takes Over - Audio

    23/10/2022 Duration: 38min

    Bitterness that’s left unchecked can grow deeper and deeper, robbing you of the life God desires for you. This sermon will look at how to work through bitterness in a godly way.

  • You’re Not as Right as You Think - Audio

    16/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    Jesus was the most right and least judgmental person who ever lived. We should live the same way because we don’t change people by judging them. We change them by loving them.

  • Dealing with Those People - Audio

    10/10/2022 Duration: 39min

    Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is a choice. This sermon will look at how holding an offense/grudge leads to destruction over the long-haul. It can divide families/friends/churches, distract Christians from their mission, and discredit our witness. This sermon will look at how God’s brings healing as we let go of our offenses and turn to God for help.

  • Stop Being Offended - Audio

    02/10/2022 Duration: 33min

    Hearts are rarely changed by anger and judgement, but they are changed by empathy and compassion. We need to lower our expectations of others and raise our gratitude for God’s grace.

  • Rooted to Stand Strong - Audio

    25/09/2022 Duration: 54min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted to Relate - Audio

    18/09/2022 Duration: 52min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted for Holiness - Audio

    11/09/2022 Duration: 54min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted for Community - Audio

    04/09/2022 Duration: 50min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted in Purpose - Audio

    28/08/2022 Duration: 54min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted in Peace - Audio

    21/08/2022 Duration: 50min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted in Grace - Audio

    14/08/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Rooted in Hope - Audio

    07/08/2022 Duration: 56min

    Ridgeview Church

  • Breaking Free - Audio

    31/07/2022 Duration: 50min

    Ridgeview Church

  • It's Not Worth It - Audio

    24/07/2022 Duration: 34min

    Ridgeview Church

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