Well, Well...

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 57:04:40
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Our podcast features our hosts Jor-El Caraballo and Rachel Gersten, both mental health professionals based out of Brooklyn, New York. Their holistic health center Viva Wellness helps people target both physical and mental wellness.


  • Episode 82: The Riser of Amateurism

    02/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    Who do you take seriously these days and where do you get your information? There's been a lot of changes in how we get information and who we trust (PS believe science!). Why is that?  The rise of social media and influencer culture impacts our lives, the choices we make and who we trust. Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El talk about the rise of amateurism and why we really need to be listening to experts whenever we can. Give professionals their flowers!

  • Episode 81: The Problem with Making Assumptions

    16/02/2022 Duration: 32min

    How often do you check your assumptions? Whether you like the old phrase (you know the one) about making assumptions or not, it’s something that we all do. We can’t escape that! But, if we make it a point to check on our assumptions we can prevent some unintentional harm and damage in our relationships.  Tune in to our latest episode to hear licensed therapists Rachel Gersten and Jor-El Caraballo weigh in on how assumptions impact our daily lives.

  • Episode 80: Main Character Energy: Are you Oversharing on Social Media?

    02/02/2022 Duration: 30min

    Let’s face it - we live in a social media world…especially in the middle of a global pandemic. We live a lot of our lives online, but should we be?  Social media can be good for us: it offers connection and community where we might not otherwise find it. But, it’s also become another way for us to perform socially and sometimes share intimate details of our lives.  Is it too much? Are you oversharing? Tune in to this episode for some suggestions in evaluating your relationship with social media and privacy.

  • Episode 79: What Mental Health Crisis?!

    19/01/2022 Duration: 29min

    We’re getting real folks. The phrase “mental health crisis” has been thrown around quite a bit as we collectively struggle to grapple with the ongoing pandemic and recent surges. But, what does that mean? Are we REALLY in a mental health crisis as a society? Tune in as licensed therapists Rachel Gersten and Jor-El Caraballo explore what a crisis of mental health means and how certain figures only talk about mental health when they are experiencing something they don’t like (hint: THAT’S NOT A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS…and its ableist language, to be honest). And as always, send us your thoughts, questions and comments. We’d love to hear from you! Check in with us on our socials at @vivawellnessnyc.

  • Episode 78: Toxic Positivity

    05/01/2022 Duration: 27min

    Have you ever felt the pressure to be happier than you were actually feeling? If so, you might have been dealing with toxic positivity. All emotions are a part of the human experience and you deserve the right to feel all the feels! Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El reflect on toxic positivity culture and offer up some thoughts on embracing how you really feel (and creating space for others to do so too).

  • Episode 77: 2021 Wrap Up

    22/12/2021 Duration: 17min

    2022 is almost here! No matter what you've been through this year, if you want to take a moment to reflect and process your year then this episode is for you! Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El share some thoughts on how to reflect on the year behind you with meaning, authenticity and intention. Enjoy!

  • Episode 76: Accountability & Responsibility: What it Really Means

    08/12/2021 Duration: 33min

    More and more we find ourselves having conversations about accountability, especially when it comes to social causes. But this is something we also run into in our own personal relationships - but what does the word actually mean? What does it mean to hold someone truly accountable...and what about yourself? Tune into our latest episode as licensed therapists Rachel and Jor-El talk all things accountability. We hope this helps!  And as always, send us your thoughts, questions and comments. We’d love to hear from you! Check in with us at @vivawellnessnyc.

  • Episode 75: Here Come the Holidays!

    24/11/2021 Duration: 31min

    It’s official...holiday season is upon us!  How are you taking care of yourself as you navigate this time of year? Many of us are celebrating in ways similar to last year, but as vaccination rates have increased many more people are traveling and reconnecting in person with family members, and loved ones, for the first time in a long while.   Listen to our latest episode as Rachel and Jor-El talk through navigating the 2021 holiday season. Check the show notes for our other holiday season episodes for a bit more support as well. Enjoy! Recommended listening: Managing Your Mental Health During the HolidaysManaging Your Mental Health During a Pandemic Holiday Season

  • Episode 74: What are your BAD habits?

    10/11/2021 Duration: 27min

    We all have them, but we also shame ourselves for having them. But what’s actually a bad habit and what’s not? HOW CAN WE KNOW?! Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El talk about the trap of black and white thinking as well as how we view personal habits. We think you’ll gain a lot from this one. Take a listen, share with a friend and rate and review too. Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 73: Intent vs. Impact (What Matters Most) & Dave Chapelle

    27/10/2021 Duration: 29min

    “Well, I didn’t mean it that way!” How many times have you heard (or said) that?  When it comes to relationships and conversations, being vulnerable enough to say that you’re hurt is never easy and being told that what you did hurt someone doesn’t feel good either, especially if you didn’t intend to cause harm. Listen in as Rachel and Jor-El discuss how important intent and impact is (and what matters most).   And yes, we also talk about Dave Chappelle’s recent special.

  • Episode 72: Dating is FUN! (And TERRIBLE)

    13/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    How do you feel about dating? Maybe dating is exciting for you as you get to meet new people and have fun, but for many dating isn’t quite as fun. It often can be draining and nerve-wracking.  Well, we’re here to help! In our latest episode licensed therapists Rachel Gersten and Jor-El Caraballo talk through some of the challenges of dating and offer up some guidance and support for your journey. Take a listen and don’t forget to tell us what you think by rating and reviewing the episode.  Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 71: Therapists Aren't Perfect (Hot Takes!)

    29/09/2021 Duration: 39min

    Contrary to popular belief, therapists aren’t perfect because hey, no humans are! In our latest episode Rachel and Jor-El share their perspectives on mental health trends and own up to their own petty behaviors. It’s an exercise in modeling imperfection!  Tune in to learn more about our hosts and revel in your imperfections with us.

  • Episode 70: Dealing with the Delta Variant & COVID-19

    15/09/2021 Duration: 21min

    Unfortunately, it looks like COVID-19 isn’t going away anytime soon. This is more true than ever as we now have the Delta variant making its way through communities. How do we cope with the ongoing virus threat? Hosts and licensed therapists Rachel and Jor-El offer up some tips on how to manage the next few months and your risk. Also, GET VACCINATED! Related:  F* Your Feelings (from the Viva blog)Looking to the Future & Having Tough COVID Conversations (podcast episode)

  • Episode 69: Pineapple on Pizza

    01/09/2021 Duration: 21min

    DO YOU LIKE PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA?! No, that’s not actually what this episode is about but helps us illustrate the point of how judgmental all of us can be (you probably had a strong reaction to that question, right?). This week we’re talking through the fallacy of being a “non-judgmental person.” Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El talk through how to offer yourself some compassion while also trying to manage your inevitable judgement.  Please leave a rating and review and share this episode with a friend. And, as always, join the conversation with us on social media @vivawellnessnyc!

  • Episode 68: The Problem with Hustle & Productivity Culture

    18/08/2021 Duration: 31min

    Do you feel the constant pressure to stay busy and productive? If so, you’re not alone. Tune in as licensed therapists Rachel Gersten and Jor-El Caraballo talk through the perils of productivity and hustle culture and finding the path that works best for you. Join the conversation with us on social media and share this episode with a friend who could benefit from it. Thanks for listening! Related resource: The Nap Ministry https://twitter.com/TheNapMinistry

  • Episode 67: How to Find Healthcare that Works for You

    04/08/2021 Duration: 34min

    The healthcare system has its challenges (particularly in the United States) but how do you go about finding the right care in a seriously flawed system?  Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El talk through some strategies to navigate the realities of the healthcare system. Hopefully it offers up some tips to consider, as well as some very real validation of the difficulties so many of us face. As always, take some time to join in on the conversation on Instagram @vivawellnessnyc. Thanks for listening! Related reading: Healthcare Needs to Be More Accessible How Can We Advance the Conversation Around Healthcare for All?

  • Episode 66: How to Find Motivation

    21/07/2021 Duration: 31min

    What gets you going when the struggle is real?  If you’re feeling a bit stuck then we hope this episode will help you power through. In this episode licensed therapists Rachel Gersten and Jor-El Caraballo get into the nitty gritty of how to find motivation, how it’s like commitment and ways you can push yourself and embrace self-compassion at the same time. What are you working towards right now? Join the conversation with us on Instagram @vivawellnessnyc. Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 65: Don’t Be an As*h0le!

    07/07/2021 Duration: 25min

    Do you ever find yourself enraged by the poor behavior of others? Have YOU sometimes been that person? Tune in as licensed therapists Rachel and Jor-El talk about situations in which this poor behavior comes up (there is a bit of ranting in this episode tbh) and offer a call for us all to be more conscious of treating fellow humans with compassion and respect.  As always, we appreciate your thoughts and feedback. Share your thoughts with us on Instagram and Twitter at @vivawellnessnyc. 

  • Episode 64: How to Cope with a Friend Break Up

    23/06/2021 Duration: 36min

    Have you ever experienced a break up with a good friend? It can be incredibly difficult to cope and that’s exactly what we’re talking about in today’s episode. Tune in as Rachel and Jor-El talk about how this happens, what it feels like and maybe some ideas of how to move forward. What’s your experience been with breaking up with a friend? Share your thoughts with us on Instagram and Twitter at @vivawellnessnyc.  We’d love to hear from you about this episode and what other topics you’d like to see covered on the podcast!  

  • Episode 63: Naomi Osaka is Taking Care of Her Mental Health (We all should)

    09/06/2021 Duration: 31min

    Recently, pro tennis player Naomi Osaka decided to take some time off from the French Open, and upcoming Wimbeldon tournament, after stating she’d be avoiding doing press for mental health reasons. Her statements caused quite a stir and in our latest episode Jor-El and Rachel discuss the dynamics of the statements, and the fallout, and how it relates to how we all respond to setting limits for our mental health. Additional reading: Osaka’s Follow Up Statement (via her Instagram) Outrage over Naomi Osaka shows what we're still getting wrong about mental health (via USA Today)

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