Inspiring You With Henri Hebert



Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!


  • Mini Energy Update for April 1-7 | Ep 373

    03/04/2024 Duration: 03min

    Mini Energy Update for April 1-7 The beginning of the month is marked with Mercury entering retrograde, a period which invites introspection about one’s personal truths, limitations, unnecessary indulgences, supportive elements, and burdensome aspects. This stage will allow us to rearrange our current situations to facilitate resolution and future progression. It calls for us to acknowledge our current state of affairs and be ready to embrace a future that could be drastically different. Tune in to hear more.

  • Unlocking Personal Power: A Guide to April’s Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes | Ep 372

    03/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    Unlocking Personal Power: A Guide to April’s Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes. In this enlightening episode, we go into the April energy forecast in various categories and significant dates and timeframes. Let’s explore the key themes for this transformative month: Personal Development and Healing: April invites us to embark on a journey of self-improvement and healing. By embracing our inner wisdom, we can tap into harmony, understanding, and personal growth. Reclaiming Power: As we shed past limitations, we reclaim our power. This month provides an opportunity to step into our authentic selves and manifest our dreams. Relationship Challenges and Growth: While relationships may face challenges, they also offer fertile ground for growth. Let’s approach them with openness and learn valuable lessons. Body Health and Well-Being: Prioritize your well-being by treating your body with kindness. Nourish it physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Rethinking Business Associations: C

  • Energy Forecast for April 2024 | Ep 371

    03/04/2024 Duration: 01h16min

    In this episode, we delve into the transformative energies of April 2024. Let’s explore the themes that will shape our experiences during this pivotal month: 1. Resolution, Progression, and Self-Trust: The energy forecast emphasizes the importance of self-trust. As we face challenges, anchoring into our own Light becomes crucial. Trusting ourselves allows us to navigate uncertainty with confidence. 2. Letting Go and Writing New Intentions: April invites us to release the past. Imagine this phase as a fresh volume in the book of our lives. We are empowered creators, capable of scripting new intentions. It’s time to rewrite our narrative. 3. Connecting with Our Souls and Embracing Authenticity: Our Souls hold wisdom and authenticity. By connecting with them, we align with our authentic selves. Embrace vulnerability and let your authenticity shine. 4. Being Our Own Protectors and Nurturing Our Inner Light: We are our best guardians. Nurture your inner Light—it’s a beacon during challenging times. Remember that y

  • The Cosmic Symphony: Dancing with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation | Ep 366

    24/03/2024 Duration: 56min

    As the celestial curtain draws across the moon, we find ourselves at the intersection of endings and beginnings. Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra on March 25th, 2024, invites us to pirouette gracefully through the delicate balance of our lives, guided by the shimmering scales of reciprocity. The Cosmic Theater: Relationships in Spotlight In this grand cosmic theater, relationships take center stage. Each encounter becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of our existence. We are both artist and the canvas, weaving intricate patterns of connection. As the moon dims, we glimpse the threads that connect us—threads of vulnerability, resilience, and shared dreams. The Dance of Authenticity: Twirling with Authenticity Libra whispers, “Authenticity.” It beckons us to shed pretense, to waltz with vulnerability, and to allow authenticity. The Cosmic Ritual: Ink Your Desires Under the veiled moon, we embark on a sacred journey—a communion with the Light of your Dreams. Listen to your heart: It whispers t

  • Eclipse Season 2024: Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra | Ep 365

    24/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra Date: March 25th Theme: Relationships, balance, and harmony Key Points: Libra’s Influence: Libra, ruled by Venus, emphasizes connections and equilibrium. Focus: Relationships and power dynamics. Examine where you’ve given away power or where imbalances exist. Shed light on unhealthy relationship patterns (like codependency or conflict avoidance). Reflect on personal and collective injustices; contribute to rebalancing the scales. Eclipse Type: This is a penumbral lunar eclipse, subtly dimming the moon rather than a total lunar eclipse. The energy will be palpable in the hours before and after the eclipse. Recommendations: Realign values and prioritize self-care and healthy relationships. Extend beyond personal relationships to addictions, patterns, attitudes, self-worth, and purpose. Consider ending relationships that no longer serve your highest good or empowering existing ones. Eclipses facilitate change, transformation, and refreshing r

  • Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation: Equinox & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra Activation | Ep 364

    18/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation: Equinox & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra Activation:

  • Cosmic Beneficial Gateway: Navigating Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, and the Transformative March Energies | Ep 363

    18/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    A Cosmic Beneficial Gateway is opening, granting you the chance to Quantum Leap forward on your spiritual odyssey for the highest good. 

  • Life as an Intuitive Empath brings so much adventure...

    13/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    Life as an #IntuitiveEmpath brings in so much adventure. This last #SuperNewMoon in #pisces along with Daylight Savings, that spring ahead felt like a doozy from this combo. Anyone else? Luckily I have been doing this for a while so I can recognize the signs and what to do. I can’t encourage people enough to learn tools and keep being will to learn. Because the currents of the flows change so fast - that it becomes imperative to keep up-to-date on tools and understanding what’s possibly happening. This will help you more than you know. Tune in to hear more.

  • 11/03/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    Welcome to our special podcast episode, where we embark on a journey guided by the mystical energies of the New Moon in Pisces. This celestial event is more than just a cosmic occurrence—it’s an invitation to align our intentions, sow the seeds of manifestation, and step into the vibrancy of creation. Join us as we explore the art of Mindful Meditation infused with the transformative power of Reiki Energy Healing and connecting with the power of the New Moon in Pisces. Honing Intentions: Illuminating the Path During this New Moon, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment—a juncture where intentions take root and dreams begin to sprout. Imagine this as tending to a garden of possibilities. Our meditation becomes the fertile soil, and our intentions, the seeds we carefully plant. With precision and drive, we illuminate these intentions, infusing them with Light purpose. As the moon waxes, so do our desires, propelling us toward the vibrancy of our own creation. The Pisces New Moon: Cosmic Culmination As the pinnac

  • 10/03/2024 Duration: 41min

     Super New Moon in Pisces: A Realm of Dreams and Promise On March 10, 2024, the celestial stage welcomes the Super New Moon in Pisces, enveloping us in a magical tapestry of enchantment, dreams, and boundless potential. As we step into this mystical realm, let’s explore its significance and how it shapes our cosmic journey. Key Points: Eclipse Season Begins: The Pisces New Moon kicks off the lunar cycle, setting the stage for manifestation. Just a week later, the lunar eclipse on March 25 and the solar eclipse on April 8 add celestial support to aid in bringing in transformation to our lives. Creative Spark Ignited: This New Moon holds potent energy for nurturing creativity. Dive deep into your dreams, intuition, and artistic pursuits. Allow yourself to ebb and flow, guided by the moon’s gentle influence. Emotional Depth and Sensitivity: Pisces, a compassionate water sign, stirs our emotions. We become attuned to others’ feelings and the energy of our surroundings. Trust your intuition during this dreamy

  • Mini Energy Forecast for March 2024 | Ep 357

    03/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    Buckle up because March beckons us forward, urging movement, inspiring action, and transformation. If you want the full March Forecast, head to Ep 355. #selfcare #wellbeing #wellness #healthyhabits #selfgrowth #selfgrowthjourney #wellnesslifestyle #mindfulness #meditation #energyupdate #energyforecast #march #fyp #toryoupage #foryourpage #selfhealer #selfhealers #selfheal #mindfulnessmeditation #reiki #dowsing #inspiringyou

  • March 2024: Monthly Energy Forecast: Navigating the Energetic Landscape: Insights for March | Ep 355

    03/03/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    March 2024: Monthly Energy Forecast: Navigating the Energetic Landscape: Insights for March Welcome, dear Soul, to your monthly energy forecast for March 2024! As we step into this transformative month, let’s explore the cosmic currents and discover how to harness their power. As we step into this fresh month, envision a canvas of boundless possibilities. The air crackles with vitality, carrying whispers of transformation and renewal. 

  • February Full Moon in Virgo Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation + 417 Hz | Ep 354

    25/02/2024 Duration: 01h15min

    This meditation also includes 417 Hz music for an additional layer of healing. Some of the benefits are its ability to remove negative energy, facilitate change, building inner strength and bringing peace and harmony. The Full Moon takes center stage in Virgo on Saturday, February 24. This marks the ending of the astrological year and will be the final Full Moon before the Eclipse Season commences. The Full Moon, also known as the 'snow moon', is a powerful time to reconnect with yourself and your inner voice. It encourages you to let go of things that no longer support you, whether it be a relationship, a project, or a dream that has already reached its end, come to fruition, or the energy has been completed. By setting healthy boundaries and letting go of non-beneficial habits, you can take the necessary steps towards improving your well-being and overall health.  This period is a reminder that self-care is crucial and can help you become more determined to make positive changes in your life. Embrac

  • Full Moon in Virgo | 353

    25/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    The Full Moon Takes Residence in Virgo on Saturday, February 24  On February 24, 2024, the Full Moon in Virgo takes center stage. This marks the ending of the astrological year and will be the final Full Moon before the Eclipse Season commences. The Full Moon, also known as the 'snow moon', is a powerful time to reconnect with yourself and your inner voice. It encourages you to let go of things that no longer support you, whether it be a relationship, a project, or a dream that has already reached its end, come to fruition, or the energy has been completed. By setting healthy boundaries and letting go of non-beneficial habits, you can take the necessary steps towards improving your well-being and overall health. This period is a reminder that self-care is crucial and can help you become more determined to make positive changes in your life. Embrace this time and trust that the universe is guiding you towards your highest good. Tune in to hear more! Also head to the next episode for the Full Moon in Vi

  • Mindful Reiki, the Violet Flame, and the 222 Energy: A Meditation for Harmony and Empowerment | 352

    23/02/2024 Duration: 29min

    In this guided, Mindful Reiki meditation, you'll embark on a remarkable journey of harmony and alignment. As you softly close your eyes, envision yourself enveloped in the stunning violet-blue flame of St. Germain from above. See how this heavenly flame brightens the sky, making the number 222 glow with energy; this sequence has a special significance, a hidden message from your guardian angels. This meditation aims to explore your emotions and desires hidden in your Soul's essence. With gentle support from your Higher Self, Angels, and Spirit Guides for the highest good, you'll discover clarity and a deeper understanding of what truly resonates with your heart's desires right now. Therefore, let them lead you along a path where you're prepared to unleash your true power and connect to your Divine Design while bringing in harmony and alignment. If you want to support Inspiring You Podcast, you can go here: And if you choose to support us, we so appreci

  • Mindfulness, Reiki, and Chakra Balancing: A Meditation to Rewire Your Mind and Align Your Energy | Ep 351

    22/02/2024 Duration: 01h51s

    Within this guided meditation, you'll be introduced to techniques for transforming your mindset using mindfulness, reiki, and Reiki'd affirmations, if you wish to receive for the highest good. These powerful tools can aid in dispelling negative energies and altering pessimistic thoughts and beliefs, paving the way for positivity and self-empowerment. You'll get to experience firsthand the benefits of reiki, an energy-healing practice. It extends an offer of balancing your chakras to foster equilibrium and unity within your body, mind, and spirit. Engaging in this practice, you'll focus on your breathing, the sensations of your body, and your energetic hubs, feeling the energizing flow of reiki throughout. The aim of this meditation is to aid relaxation, lessen stress, and bolster your overall well-being, ushering you to commune with your profound inner wisdom, vision, and spirituality. All while empowering you to develop a growth mindset. 

  • Unlocking Abundance | Ep 349

    20/02/2024 Duration: 51min

    Welcome to our transformative journey of 29 days of meditation! Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or just dipping your toes into this serene practice, we’re thrilled to have you aboard.

  • Self-Love: Nurturing Your Inner Light | Ep 345

    19/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    In this podcast episode, we explore the transformative practice of Love Affirmation Energy Healing Meditation. Let’s break down the key points: 1.    Love’s Profound Power: Love has the ability to overcome fear and help us transcend obstacles. Self-love is particularly important, as it clears fears and supports personal transformation. Self-Love Importance: Self-love involves treating ourselves with kindness, compassion, and grace as we evolve. It’s about accepting our flaws and imperfections while nurturing our growth. 2.    Affirmations: Affirmations are quick, meaningful statements that serve as powerful tools in the self-love journey. They help reprogram our minds, allowing us to overwrite negative internal narratives. These concise statements serve as powerful tools in the journey of self-love. Internal Narrations: Our inner conversations and self-talk can often stem from societal messages, family experiences, and past traumas. These internal dialogues significantly impact how we perceive ourselves. Affi

  • Unlocking Ease: The Art of Intention in Self-Compassion Meditation | Ep 343

    19/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    This is part of the 29 days of Meditation for Feb 2024 on the Inspiring You Paid Podcast and it is also livestreamed with replays on Inspiring You Patreon (Meditate with Me and All Access Levels). Click the links to become a member and receive the benefits! About this meditation: In our relentless pursuit of perfection, we often forget that the heart of any practice lies not in achieving flawless outcomes, but in setting clear intentions. This holds true even in the serene realm of meditation. As we sit in stillness, it’s not about “getting it right”; it’s about being present with what is. Let’s explore the transformative power of intention in self-compassion reiki energy healing meditation. Self-compassion—a gentle embrace of our own humanity—is our refuge when the inner critic grows loud. It’s about recognizing that we all share the wish to be free from suffering and hardship. But how do we infuse our meditation practice with this compassionate essence? Beyond Outcomes: Intention transcends outcomes. It’s

  • Mini-Energy Update for February 16-22

    17/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    The overarching theme for this time is one of enthusiasm, motivation and determination. It’s a period when the broader perspective becomes vital and can fuel discipline and enhance focus. It’s key during this window to retain consistency on your distinct journey and nurture your relationship with self-identity and soul. Interestingly, this period promotes healthier relation dynamics, be it establishing new connections, bolstering existing ones, or expressing your needs with more clarity. I’d advise you to refrain from disputes and discord, maintaining harmony is more pragmatic and enduring than being in conflict. Keep in mind, you only have control over your behavior and actions, not of others. How you interact with others is a choice you make. During this phase, your imagination and intuition experience a power boost. However, ensure you don’t enforce your reality on others. Instead, become a better steward of your own path and fortify your foundation. The need to do this might even suggest taking a little

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