Bringing stories of hope to the rebels, the troublemakers, and the misunderstood that want to do good. If youve been labeled a rebel or a troublemaker, chances are youre just misunderstood and youre exactly what the world needs to help make it a better place. Ill share my personal experiences along with my weird perspective on life to give you hope, encouragement, and guidance. Get inspired and build the courage to say F you to societys expectations and live life on your own terms.
Do You Wander Through Life?
12/03/2019 Duration: 07minBut with intention? How many times have you heard “Will you ever figure out what you want for your life”? Or how about “Can you just pick something and stick with it”? If you answered "If only a had a nickel", then you're probably one of us. In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk about the popular quote turned lifestyle motto - "Not all who wander are lost". But it isn't what you think. We're a different breed of "wanderers". Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode. Music: Kidmental @
You Don’t Have To Justify Yourself
05/03/2019 Duration: 06minDo your choices not make sense to most people? Have you ever shared something only to get that look of, “What in the hell are you thinking?”. Yeah, me too. I imagine you experience this justification thing a lot. Now don’t get me wrong, I'm sure everyone feels like they have to justify themselves from time to time. But when you’re misunderstood and your choices are unconventional, people need you to make sense of what you’re doing because it doesn’t fit into the way that they see the world. In this week's episode, we're going to work through why people like us feel like we constantly have to justify ourselves to others, why it's not their problem, and how to finally get over it. Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode. Music: Kidmental @
Maybe You’re Just Misunderstood
26/02/2019 Duration: 06minDo you ever feel like most people don't get you? Like they're always thinking, "What's wrong with that girl"? Well, maybe you're just misunderstood. In this week's episode we're going to dig a little deeper into why people like us are often misunderstood. Hear about the "cafeteria incident" where I lost my shit in front of everyone (and maybe even cried a little) and about being put into therapy when I was only 15 for being too wild. Heads up – there’s light swearing in this episode. Music: Kidmental @
Why Being A Troublemaker Can Be A Good Thing
19/02/2019 Duration: 06minAre you a troublemaker? I've been a troublemaker my whole life but with good intention (for the most part anyway). A troublemaker is defined as person who habitually causes difficulty or problems - but who’s to say it's a problem? What may be a problem for one person can actually be a solution for many others. In this week's episode we're going to talk about why being a troublemaker can be a good thing. Hear why I thought stealing my brother's four wheeler was standing up for the rights of women everywhere and about three famous change makers who used to be troublemakers. Heads up - there's light swearing in this episode. Just a little 'A' word. Music: Kidmental @
Bad Girl Gone Good Podcast Introduction
11/02/2019 Duration: 01minIf you’ve been labeled a rebel or a “troublemaker”, chances are you’re just misunderstood and you’re exactly what the world needs to help make it a better place. I’ll share my personal experiences along with my “weird” perspective on life to give you hope, encouragement, and guidance. Get inspired and build the courage to say ‘F’ you to society’s expectations and live life on your own terms. *Music by Kidmental @