Relationship Insights With Carrie Abbott

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1034:53:57
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Join our listening community for practical truth to strengthen your relationships!Every day is an opportunity to be encouraged and hear from some of the nations leading experts on important topics impacting your relationships. Using a biblical lens, we focus on issues affecting you in all five aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. Our goal is to help strengthen your relationships in every part of your life, and to help your family live in agreement with Gods divine design. I hope you will join our listening community that now includes 84 countries! You can listen live, download podcasts or have the weekly shows delivered right to your inbox all for free by signing up for the weekly radio recap.


  • Sean Spicer and Trump’s Front Row Joes

    02/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    Former White House Press Secretary & Communications Director and Chief Strategist of the RNC has produced a documentary about some very special people who travel to every Trump rally and have to sit in the front row. Sean joins us to bring the back story, what motivates these unique people, and why it matters. Fun and surprising time with Sean!

  • Kamala Harris’ Persecution of Pro-Lifers

    01/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    David Daleiden, known for his undercover videos revealing the truth about Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts, joins us to break the news about the release of new videos. These were the same videos Kamala Harris, as district attorney of San Francisco, tried to stop on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Join us for an intriguing story!

  • Kamala’s Views on Big Issues

    31/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    V.P. Kamala Harris is now the Democrat’s candidate for president. What does she think about borders, police, abortion, and many other issues? We bring you her words (before they go missing) and share a few other people’s insights on her views, including Pete Buttigieg's comment on men being free because of her focus on abortion.

  • Did Democrats Ditch Democracy?

    30/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    According to Jeff Crouere, Host of Ringside Politics, Democrat bosses have a long history of controlling elections and the election process. We discuss their latest move with Kamala, and what causes them to fear Donald Trump so much that they would attempt to kill him after spending years trying to destroy his life? Don’t miss this lively discussion! .

  • The Olympics: Despicable Opening or Design on Display?

    29/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    A portion of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Paris has offended Christians worldwide. Is this enough to keep us from the intended good will, support and joy watching the athletes? What should our response be? We also highlight an incredible Olympian, Eric Liddell, a true champion for Christ until the end.

  • An Alliance for All Churches

    26/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Can a church be sued for not performing a same-sex wedding or even for preaching biblical doctrine that is counter to culture? Alliance Defending Freedom’s Church Alliance provides legal support, help with documents, statements of faith, and more. Ashley Kelly shares how it works. Very Encouraging!

  • AI-Powered Phishing: Job Scams are Booming!

    25/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    According to Ed Watal, Founder of Intellibus, AI has been creating more realistic fake job postings and phishing attempts, making it harder to identify the scams. Job scams are up (118% increase in 2023). Ed joins us to explain how AI functions, how it is used best, and how to avoid this very popular scam.

  • News and Views

    24/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns in the aftermath of an assassination attempt on President Trump. New details reveal a story that doesn’t add up and one that raises more questions, including new cell phone data from the shooter and continued whistleblower revelations. Kamala Harris running for president raises concerns after either covering up President Biden’s actual health or not noticing his real condition. Join the conversation!

  • RNC Platform Change Upsetting But Not Surprising

    23/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    The new shortened platform is upsetting pro-life and pro-family people, understandably. Where did evangelical clout go? Is the Church doing the heavy lifting on the pro-life and pro-family message or expecting politicians to carry it? Decades of “stay out of politics” messaging haven’t helped, and a lack of understanding on the part of the Church on how to address emerging issues is revealing a glaring problem. For help, go to

  • News and Views

    22/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    President Joe Biden is “standing down” from his presidential campaign race. Kamala Harris appears to be the heir apparent. Big news on this ongoing story. Another big story: the assassination attempt on former President Trump. The head of the Secret Service testified before a congressional hearing today, frustrating members and providing no real answers. There are a lot of questions about the Secret Service response, and we will continue to cover both stories.

  • What Was Communicated at the RNC?

    19/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    What a week! Incredible, positive and powerful speeches from amazing every day Americans, political leaders, the next President and Vice President of the United States and so many emotionally inspiring moments. RNC Communications Director Tommy Pigott joins us with his first -hand account of what is being called the best RNC ever!

  • The Best Voter Guide Anywhere!

    18/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    iVoterGuide is the nation’s largest candidate research organization, focused exclusively on informing and mobilizing voters with biblical values. For over a decade, this deep-dive voter guide has been used by millions of faith-based voters and those voters impact elections! Debbie Wuthnow, President of iVoterGuide, joins us with the details!

  • A Powerful, Positive Journey to a New Heart!

    17/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Do you have a loved one struggling with addiction? Mike Miller, Resident Director of New Heart Place, joins us with stories of redemption through an effective recovery and discipleship opportunity for men and women that is life-changing!

  • Trump Picks J.D. Vance for Vice President

    16/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Day 1 of the RNC brings a lot of excitement with intriguing and surprising speakers, including the head of the Teamsters Union and the V.P. pick, J.D. Vance. We discuss some of his story, his family story, his background, and some of his views on major issues, such as abortion.

  • The Miracle Moment of 2024

    15/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. His strength under fire, literally on display as was the grace exhibited by his gracious wife, Melania. A lot of questions remain about his protection by the Secret Service. This pivotal week at the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee is going to reveal more of the same unity, strength, and courage!

  • Go Along to Get Along?

    12/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Christianity Today’s recent article about a third-way mandate for evangelicals is getting a strong response. Should we influence others or stay quiet in the public square? Being kind and winsome is important, yet we are called to be salt and light! Lies can lead to tragic results; we share one example.

  • SCOTUS Decision on Censorship Draws Angry Response

    11/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, says, “It is appalling that the Supreme Court failed to rein in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies’ abuse of individual First Amendment rights,” in the Murthy v. Missouri case. Rick joins us for a lively and important conversation.

  • Responding to Homosexuality and Trans Issues

    10/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    Jeff Johnston, Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family, joins us to bring important insights on how to respond to loved ones when they tell you they choose lifestyles that are not biblical or sexually healthy.

  • Marriage and Family: the Basis for Strong Faith

    09/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    JP De Gance, President and Founder of Communio, joins Carrie to share important research on the power of strong marriages and families in transferring faith to the next generation and transforming communities. One example: efforts of churches in Jacksonville, Florida reduced divorce rates by 24%!

  • News and Views

    08/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    While questions surge around Biden's mental health, he rejects calls for him to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and ABC changes the transcript of his interview. We look at the media’s complicity and cover-up, reactions from various news outlets, and a little gaslighting from Kamala!

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